September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Loss on the Farm | I hate making this vlog.

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Loss on the Farm | I hate making this vlog.

  1. awwwh, i'm just seeing this video for the first time and just yesterday . . . . i posted a question on a current video about kitten george bc i hadn't seen him around. i'm so sorry for your loss. i know itz hard <3

  2. Your heart shines through in every video I have watched and this was no different. Your father's words are so true. "The greatest price of love is sorrow." I have also had a way too young kitten get hit on the road in front of my house. I am so sorry Jess, my heart breaks with you in this video. I am so glad you decided to continue doing videos and farming, or else I may never have found your thread and never found a connecting to homesteading which has become my dream and my passion.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss of Kitten George. It breaks my heart to pieces when we lose a pet. This summer we had horrible wildfires and even though we were blessed to live surrounded by fields that kept the fires at bay the smoke was so thick that we had to keep our cats closed up for two weeks. It finally rained and when I went out to the shop to feed our big cat, Walter he begged me to let him out, the air was getting pretty clear so I let him out. My husband and I headed up to a local farm to see if they still had corn. We were gone maybe 15 min. and came back to find our dear sweet Walter dead in our driveway. Someone (more than likely the mail lady) hit and killed Walter in our driveway and left him there for us to find. I cried for days…….. then two weeks later I found our sweet Calico, Gertie dead in the bathroom sink. It's hard when you love your critters and they die but I wouldn't change how I feel about them for anything. I feel blessed to be able to love like that.

  4. Late to get this news (went searching due to a quick mention of his memory planting). As you were talking about the sweetness and sorrow, I was remembering laughing during the first video I ever watched on this channel, when I 'met" Kitten George, where his tall covered the camera (the soil bag winter salad greens). The joys are worth it in my option, agree on riding the ride instead of closing the heart. He was such a blessing!

  5. Found this video today and it is so hard cause in a few days is the anniversary of my first and hardest miscarriage. Even though I’m married and my husband is very sweet I always carry this mourning by myself, it’s like he doesn’t remember or it doesn’t face him the same way and it hurts cause I feel so alone during this whole process. I try to get over it but even if I forget what date it is my body goes into depression and I don’t realize why until I’m already in it.

  6. Today I lost a farm animal that was so incredibly dear to my heart… I remembered watching this video when it came out and I pulled it up again today, just for your comforting words and to know I'm not alone in the joy and sorrow. Thanks Jess 🙁 <3

  7. I am so SO sorry that happened. I have missed Kitten George, I dropped out of youtube viewing for a while, so I was surprised when viewing one of your more recent videos when you mentioned that Kitten George had died. Knowing that he was a relatively young healthy cat, I had a sense of dread that had me keyword searching until I found this one. Mystery solved. I've had housecats all my life, but now that have chickens, I am learning thatit is really hard, there's just so much death, and we haven't even "processed" any of the chickens (yet). My heart goes out to you, and everyone else who loved Georg, in person or as a viewer. He was a good kitty and he left this life as he had lived it: catching mice to keep them from eating his people's garden! Farewell &Godspeed KItten George.
    Maybe he will be a sort of guardian angel watching over your other cats – and people of course… Condolences, TAS

  8. Oh lady me 2!!!! I would rather feel everything than detach and pretend it really did not happen. Yes, we face loss and we keep going. Keep doing. I am really so sniffing sorry. Ya know they, whoever they are… say they have 9 lives.. not me but ya know… but there is just… dang gummitt… a part of me that hopes if nothing else… there are special places for the pets that serve us- God's children- so blooming well. Many tears… now… 2021 August… when did this happen???

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