September 28, 2024

VIDEO: GGC – 60 – The Perseid Meteor Shower

There’s been a lot of talk about the Perseid Meteor Shower this year, and for good reason! Check out our timelapse footage and enjoy a natural light-show, 1000 year old comet dust, and a bit of camera how-to.

Camera Settings
Camera: Gopro Hero 4 Silver
Mode: Night Lapse
Interval: Continuous
Megapixels: 12MP Wide
Spot Meter: OFF
Shutter: 30 Seconds
ProTune: ON
White Balance: 3000K

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 60 – The Perseid Meteor Shower

  1. You answered my big question on how and why the meteor shower happens every year. Thanks for the video and the explanation! Did you stay outside at all and watch?

  2. Cool!! Unfortunately I live in a suburb near a huge city (Chicago, Illinois USA,) and it's just too full of light to appreciate all that's up there. Thanks for setting this up and showing us!!

  3. Thank you for doing the explaining & the timeframe stuff for me. I would of gave up so much time @ the computer repeating over & over. would of fell asleep. Thanks for teaching me about shooting stars…

  4. Thank you! That must have taken many hours to edit. I have to ask…do you teach? It has occurred to me many times that you would be an excellent teacher. Really enjoyed this presentation and look forward to more. Thank you, again.

  5. It's funny that my favorite part of this video was the morning shot at about 5:43. I enjoyed the whole video and am also fascinated by space but that shot was beautiful. Paradise on earth.

  6. Nice job. Do you do any amateur astronomy? Maybe a telescope or binoculars? I do some backyard astronomy, but have not figured out how to bring the telescope with me in my RV as it is a bit large and fragile.

  7. So hang on…what is the individual video image exposure speed? From the length of the meteor trail, I'd guess it was on the order of 1/60 second? Where, ntw, did you make this video?….latitude? Looked like a short night.

  8. Spacing out with Derek! ๐Ÿ™‚ I may not get all geeky about these things, but I also never miss a meteor shower, eclipse, planet alignment, Aurora Borealis, blood moon, super moon, etc. I usually go up in the mountains, as far as possible from light pollution, and stay up all night enjoying these lovelies! I've also enjoyed many of these things from the cockpit of my kayak. I just don't understand it when people say "Oh, I've had a long day, I'm too tired to go out and look". What is this life about, after all?!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Very soon now, I'll be living in Alaska, and will be enjoying some of these wonders even more often than I have down here in the "upper lower 48". ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks! That was fun and informative! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. There is a Starfest every August near Hanover Ontario . I know you are very far ,but it is a wonderful long weekend (starts Friday but we go Wednesday) just google Starfest . It's put on by the North York Astronomical Association. Look for it here.>Starfest

  10. Absolutely loved this. The beauty of the meteor showers in the heavens are related to the beauty of what you two are creating on your land. Look forward to watching all of your videos

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