June 28, 2024

VIDEO: This Harvest Ends in Hospital

The dahlias are exploding with colour, the harvests coming out of the garden for the farmers market are more abundant and beautiful then even before, and a $1000 day is looking guaranteed, until everything is put on hold for a trip to the emergency room! At least we have the walk in cooler finished this week.

Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

Contact us at: iancolbeck@gmail.com
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: This Harvest Ends in Hospital

  1. You guys stay inside if it's smoke outside! It happened to me when I lived in California and there were fires…. Ended up in the hospital and had to have an inhaler for a few years! Also ended up with bronchitis because I was taking a course at the time and stayed by the AC fo I can breathe! A experience I don't want to relive

  2. You two are working yourselves into the ground! How about hiring some summer help – or just Thurs – Sat help? Over the long term it would help immensely I bet!

  3. Serena, your health is a priority!! Your gardens, and harvests are so amazing. I remember one year my husband had similar symptoms. I got a phone call from his office. I was told my husband wasn't feeling well. He's asking for me to pick him up. I arrived to his place of employment. Hubby walked out white as a ghost, having breathing issues. As I was helping hubby in the truck, an employee was laying his briefcase in the back seat mouthing to me they thought he was having a heart issues. Got to the ER, of course they took us in ASAP. Gave him a nitroglycerin, loaded all the cords on him, started every test necessary for heart issues. Realized he wasn't having a heart attack, put him in a room (heart monitoring section of hospital). A heart doctor came in and explained he wanted to do an angioplasty up his leg to see what was going on in the morning. After the angioplasty, the cardiologist said hubby wasn't having a heart attack. His heart was strong as an ox, he was having a stress aschemia attack. Apparently, hubby was dealing with a lot of stress at work on top of his high blood pressure medicine HZTZ which was depleting my husband potassium levels which caused all the symptoms. Please take care of yourself!!!

  4. It’s amazing that you donated all that produce. Just wanted to say I think you are great people. Not many people give so freely especially when you need the money for your family and farm.

  5. So I have costochondritis which an inflammation of the rib cartilage after years of twisting and turning while lifting in a merchandising job it can cause shortness of breath, chest tightness, shoulder blade pain, and pain in arm and jaw. Many doctors don’t know about it. I see a chiropractor and have had some steroid treatment pills and injections. With your constant stooping, twisting and lifting it’s hard to remember to stretch out the chest area. Maybe good chest back and neck stretching at the beginning of the day and end would help. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Hope you are feeling much better. Good you made the decision, and took care of yourself. Also glad the food could help those in need. How is the smoke now? Your son is so cute. Give Dad 1/2 of ann apricot, bonus, Dad picks a bunch more!

  7. Wish you well Serena. You guys are a wonderful couple to follow in your progress. I've enjoy most of your videos. Thank you for sharing. May many many more good days come your way.

  8. So glad you are getting better Serina. As time goes by you will learn your limits . You grow beautiful produce and you will succeed in the future as well I am sure!

  9. Glad Serena is feeling better now; couldn't you guys also sell your food to grocery stores or restaurants as well? I'm just thinking that relying on 1 day market sales per week as your entire revenue stream is precarious. Also, howcome you guys aren't selling the cherries that are growing everywhere?

  10. I thought earlier in the video that you looked heat exhausted. Which is dangerous. Please read about Heat exhaustion vs heat stroke and what you need to do to prevent it. Much love to your family. Grateful for you!

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