September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Is Market Gardening Profitable? Making a Living On a Small Farm

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is Market Gardening Profitable? Making a Living On a Small Farm

  1. Companion/polyculture garden beds? With beds of generally a single crop do you not still deal with typical monoculture problems such as pests and gradual soil imbalances? How do you address this organically? Is there a reason you do not grow more diverse polyculture beds?

  2. Thank you Moreno You are a very genuine and honest person, you gave us one of the best point of view in terms of starting this business..! I really appreciate!

  3. I've slaved in construction, miserable my entire life. It probably had a lot to do with me being an alcoholic and addicted to opiates. I sobered up and got clean 3 years ago November 5th but I've been dealing with anxiety and major depression. Last Christmas I slid into a deep depression and just quit working all together. I barely left the bed for about 2 month. Gardening has always been a way for me to escape and I got into the garden and got out of my depression. I am determined to start a market garden and never go back to slaving for someone else's profit, except maybe part time during the off season. I'm preparing for a fall garden now. I doubt I'll make much this fall but next spring I'm hoping to be more prepared. Everything seems to be falling into place. The biggest produce market here of 44 years is closing for good at the end of the year because the people are retiring. I've already sold a few things to the local mom and pop stores so I'm getting my foot in the door. I've never been happier and I haven't made a profit yet.

  4. Can anything be done with 30000 sqft land (- 5000 for house, store, walkways and misc) ? Has good water source. Fertilizer-based Rice, Corn and Wheat from many many years by the existing owner. I am planning 100% Organic so left the land vacant from last 1 year

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