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Dag Moreno, ik kwam voor eerst op je kanaal een paar maanden geleden. Momenteel bevind ik mij in Frankrijk. Ik zou het super vinden om in de maand augustus een paar dagen/weken vrijwilligerswerk te doen bij jullie. Werken in ruil voor onderdak en eten. Zou dat en optie zijn? Grtn Lander
is it okay to plant garlic during rainy season?
Hello Moreno. I really really love the idea of farming and I really want to have a farm in the future, but the problem is I don't know what is the right season to plant every vegetable and when to star farming/planting it. So please if you could make a video of what is the perfect time/season to star planting each vegetables and how it would be great!! Or if you have a book that you read that talks about these stuff, is it possible to give me the name of it , please ?. I would be extremely thankful
Eagerly waiting for your next video…. Please post it soon…! I am checking for notifications almost daily if there is any new video from you…. One more request from my side, can you post you full day activities on one of your busiest days in the farm….!
Huge fan of your work here. i was wondering what college ( if any) you would reccomend before starting my farming business. I just graduated highschool( im from the usa) and plan on attending college this Fall. just curious on classes you would reccomend
From all the Gardens i have seen so far, i love yours the most. Happy harvesting, Moreno!
I love your garden.
Hello . I have been following ur work and I appreciate it a lot. We are a team of people trying to connect farmers to the the consumers in the most effective way possible. We do not have a lot of experience in the agriculture system. It would be great if we could get guidance from people like u. Thanks. Email:- team.piratica@gmail.com
Good work
Whoa!!! Love how you harvested and collected those tree fruit!!! Thanks!
You have beautiful garden. Like on heaven!
Muy buenos sus videos amigo, hoy comencé a verlos, sobre todos esos breves donde no se habla y se muestra el trabajo que hace, como sugerencia la cual a mi en particular se me hace necesario, seria factible subtitular sus videos en español y se lo doy por seguro que ampliará mucho más sus subscriptores, en atención que abarcará a la comunidad latina, que también somos muy amantes de la huerta, naturaleza y aprendemos a escuchar lo que la madre tierra nos comunica. Namasté
Many fruits and vegetables
You havea great garden.
Hello, I'm from Argentina, your videos are great … could you do some more specific about strawberries … because I like to grow them and it makes me curious how you grow them among garlic. Thanks a hug…..
Great farmers unsaid fruit plant name
Love flowers, yours looks very healthy
artichokes are my favorite. I want to grow some this Year.
like How you put Marigolds in tomato bed, Looks so pretty.
Thank you very much to share your work good video
마늘밭에 딸기를 심는 까닭은요?
I am indian farmer.your smart farmer.