September 28, 2024

VIDEO: 8 Must-Do's for an INCREDIBLE Tomato Crop!

Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops to grow in a vegetable garden, and quite rightly too! As long as you have a healthy soil you can expect great harvests, however in this video I share the 8 things I do to increase my tomato yields and I really hope it helps you to enjoy an incredible tomato season this year. I feel tomatoes are much simpler to grow than often is made out to be, and every single one of these 8 tips are easy, low-cost, and highly-effective. Time to grow some awesome tomatoes.

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Introduction 0:00
Tips 1 & 2 (plus bonus) 0:24
Tip 3 6:06
Tip 4 7:07
Tip 5 8:38
Tip 6 10:26
Tip 7 11:28
Tip 8 12:49
Summary & Final Words 13:58

How to Grow Tomatoes

#tomatoes #vegetablegardening #growfood

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: 8 Must-Do's for an INCREDIBLE Tomato Crop!

  1. Huw, having binge watched several videos going back 7 yrs , I must really commend you on how your style has improved, your editing and quality.

    Everything is so informative but calm and well presented .

    thanks, i still have many more to binge on.

  2. Thanks Huw. I'm ticking all the above boxes and have healthy plants but not a bumper crop, so pollination of indoor tomatoes may be an issue? (using an electric toothbrush now) – any advice?

  3. I received an heirloom cherry tomato plant this week from a Mennonite lady who said they keep coming up ever year as extra fruits dropped and seeded themselves. I want to be sure to make the most of it! Thank you for these tips.

  4. Hey Huw, Paul Wheaton ( guy) thinks tomatoes that grow volunteer from last season out-perform transplanted seedlings. He doesn't transplant anymore. What do you think? Have you experimented with direct seeding tomatoes?

  5. I understand the spacing theory, but it doesnt make senbse irl… they will still touch each other. at least if they are healthy and the branches and leaves really branch out

  6. You are amazing! Loving your videos. Do you speak about the structures of the beds? How to build the beds with woods like this, they seem to be very strong. Thank you for your time!

  7. Great video and very informative. How often do you change the soil in the raised beds that you grow the tomatoes in? I am asking because of issues with blight and repeated growing in the same soil.

  8. as for lawn clipping, people it work marvelous at keeping weeds down, went from full on forest to nice looking beds with lawn clipping.
    been filling every spot where i usually use woodchip

  9. I live in NZ where the majority of gardeners grow their tomatoes outside. it can get very hot and dry in the summers and where I live water is precious at this time. After experimenting, I now put a 1 litre plastic milk bottle with holes drilled in the bottom between every 2 tomato plants, buried so just the top of the bottle is visible. I keep the top on the bottle to avoid evaporation. The bottles get filled with rainwater 2-3 times a week. I also put the plant tea and the rinsing from milkbottles into these bottles. I have had really good crops of tomatoes since doing this. I now have these bottles throughout my summer vegetable and berry gardens and my version of olla pots around my fruit trees, pots and rose gardens. My garden is small so interplanting etc is a given, and mulch laid around the edges of the plants.

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