June 28, 2024

VIDEO: TOP 7 Reasons To PRUNE!

If your on the fence about whether or not you should prune before spring comes, then this video is for you. Its quick, informative, and to the point. Stay strapped in though your about to get hit with a fast wave of info my friends 🙂

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: TOP 7 Reasons To PRUNE!

  1. thanks for all the info ! im seeing lots of raspberry and rose cuttings at the stores. i want to buy and plant the fall gold raspberries. i just got in some wonderful pomegranate seeds so i plan to germinate them soon too . i also have some lemon tree seeds 10 days germinating. i put together my first leaf mold compost pile today with half done compost and coffee grounds. the leaves were already old. with rain water. ok see ya

  2. Best time to prune peaches James in zone 5 b James? I have heard conflicting opinions. Thanks for sharing your tips in today's vid! May you be blessed with abundance! Catherine

  3. Awesome James! It's looking like spring in your garden. I've got a foot and half of snow covering everything! I still need to prune my raspberries but I think I've got probably a month of winter left at least.

  4. I am so happy I found your channel!! Can u do a video about how to straighten an apple tree?? My apple trees are 3 yrs old and are leaning from strong winds. I want to get them to stand straight without hurting fruit growth

  5. Have you got any apples off of your apple tree from seed? It will be interesting to see what you get as far as taste, texture, size and quality.

  6. James, your videos are flipping fantastic. Thank you so much for making them. I find your videos to be FULL of useful information without being boring or long winded. EXCELLENT job on the editing and delivery. I also find your garden tours to be very relaxing. You've inspired me to grow my own food forest. I have clay soil here in Denver, CO so I am in the process of contacting tree trimmers in my neighborhood to get some of that mulch gold! I'm so excited to get started.

  7. Hey man, long time. Great job with the videos, I’m extremely happy that you found something you are passionate about. I hope you and the family are doing well. Maybe we can catch up sometime when I’m home. Keep up the good work, ttyl.

  8. Hi. I have a suburban backyard in Toronto with a large mature crabapple tree. I'm wondering if it would make suitable rootstock? Its just been ornamentally growing there for decades. It produces tiny little berries about 1cm round. I was considering cutting it down but the thought came that maybe i could graft several varieties on it. What's your opinion? I'm not considering planting more trees for an orchard at this time.

  9. I've got a 2 year old peach tree I grew from a pit, it's only about 2 feet tall. Is it too young to prune? Thank you James, you are always an inspiration!

  10. James I have a question….I planted a few bare root fruit trees last month. They are starting to push out leaves and flower blooms. I’ve been told to take off the blooms to encourage root growth in the first year. What’s your experience?

  11. You have an eye for pruning….I grew up around orchards all my life , ( I also try my hand at bonsai, and wiring Olive trees. ) your tree shapes look good James. Your grapes look AMAZING. I grew up in Amish counties, Pennsylvania, we trellis berries there . I love the way you do your "Forest Strawberries!" ( I grow them on a narrow, soil piled/mound row , on top of the lightly mulched mound, that way the berries hang down, easy to see and pick) the mound rises a foot taller than the ground on either side, and I use … guess what …STRAW as the mulch/insulator …(over winter) That's how we did it in Pennsylvania (6b) Have gardened in Florida 10 years , (10a) and now I am in Alabama..( zone 8a/8b yippee) . ALL totally different… I really like container gardening …( Terra Cotta ONLY….) also love cacti.. love terrarium gardens, love pond gardens, aquarium gardens , I have a…plant …. "problem" also James…. I think about it EVERY DAY ….12 months a year…ALL DAY LONG….I must have been on the "Plant Committee" in Heaven…..I was on the "Animal Committee" also, but that's another story…

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