July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Using Coconut Coir and SpongEase to Grow Microgreens and More

This video shows how I used two different brands of coconut coir, aka coco peat, one generic and one called sponge ease (SpongEase) to grow sweet peppers and broccoli microgreens. I also grew sunflower and buckwheat greens in the coconut coir, you will see the results were beautiful. I still prefer organic soil to coconut coir or paper towels, but it is fun to experiment, and I think the coir and paper towels contain less sources of bacteria or other pathogens. The coconut coir and paper towel methods seem much cleaner to use. Either way, the microgreens are delicious and nutritious!
Amazon Link for Organic Coconut Coir: https://amzn.to/2qs1qa2
SpongEase Link: https://amzn.to/2RvZMzU

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Using Coconut Coir and SpongEase to Grow Microgreens and More

  1. Thanks for another great video. I plan to give this a try myself for growing microgreens. I like the idea of being able to have the bricks on hand with no mess and very little use of space compared to bags of soil.

  2. Hello Tikki, I just discovered your channel. Great video on growing with coconut coir. So, I guess you simply throw the coconut coir in your compost pile after growing your micro greens? The guy at my local nursery suggested I mix some perlite and worm castings with the coconut coir. Any comments? I'll give this a try in the next few days and see how it works. And thank you for sharing your success with growing on paper towels as well. Cheers, Elizabeth

  3. Would you recommend using this for an apple seedling? Should I mix it with miracle grow?
    also if i want to try growing microgreens, would it be ok to do outside? I don't have a lot of counter space to try and grow them in the kitchen

  4. The problem with coconut coir is two-fold: 1) its inconsistent (some crops grow well other times they don't) 2) you can't bring soil into kitchen (coconut coir is considered soil). That means you would have to cut your crops before delivering to chefs.

  5. Thank you for all your great videos and presentations. I was wondering if one can just use coconut coir and a solution like the grow big for hydroponic growing of plants?
    Maybe you want to try that?

  6. lovely explanation i tried to use plastic box with the lead to start my peppers its growing mould on top of the coconut coir what did i do wrong anybody?

  7. Curious have you tried coco pads? They appear to be a cleaner method and the pads can be removed so greens can be cut live. I'm considering to trying myself.

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