September 28, 2024

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Updates on Shiitake Logs and Strawberry Bed

  1. Great idea to spread out the logs to find the best shiitake growing spots. Great trick with the strawberry mulch cover (i don't have to worry about any freeze here).
    Nice preparation for the tomatoes. I'm currently doing the opposite, and protecting cooler weather seedlings from the Brisbane heat in readiness for Autumn to Spring growing….
    Your chickens are looking very happy.

  2. You have some happy chickens there. Tomatoes are well on their way. Another month here before I dare sow tomatoes and peppers.
    Thanks for sharing. I've subscribed.
    Best wishes
    Mike (in the UK)

  3. I've never tried growing mushrooms and I'm not sure how well most types would go in our hot climate but I do love eating them! I like the way you've over mulched your strawberries – I think I'll grab that tip thanks. Great looking chickens. Cheers 🙂

  4. Nice update. It was nice seeing what you guys have going on. The strawberry strategy looks to be a winning one. I wish to find time to try to grow shiitake. Did you get the plugs online? Nice seed propagator setup. 😀

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