July 2, 2024


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CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! https://youtu.be/2dq2OQsFCjM

5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo


  1. It seems like you have a lot of shade on the veggies that need full sun. How is that working for you? Do you feel like you are getting maximum production for your tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes? Thanks for doing these videos. We live in southeast Texas and I’m worried about over shading my veggies with all the fruit trees.

  2. Are you hand watering? I’m starting a back to eden garden I love this series it is very helpful in planning. I don’t have irrigation in my garden space so I was wondering how and how often you water

  3. I really want to try this method on a section of yard I want to make productive. Soil was brought here 10 years ago when the house was built and it has a lot of clay. Very hard to dig. So will this method of building the floor with wood chips work for me over heavy clay soil? I used raised beds for my veg garden. Thanks for your videos. I really have enjoyed them. I found them this summer 2020 and now going back to look at older ones.

  4. As I learn more and more about creating healthy soil and organic gardening, would you be able to explain, or do a video on the differences of leaf mold, compost, coffee grounds, egg shells, and other materials and how to use each of them?

  5. I agree James, it's not rocket science, but it's equally as complex. So called "real scientist" can try to study ecology for years and just don't get it. How does an animal species help a seemingly unconnected plant species thrive? Why and how do companion relationships emerge? This knowledge comes from centuries of trying, failing, and succeeding. Sounds more like the scientific method than any of the theoretical stuff those busters try to pass as science.

  6. I’m starting a food forest on a piece of land I recently acquired near the Hood Canal, an inland sea in W WA. I’ve studied permaculture and much of what you’ve shared affirms I’m on the right track. I have a couple of questions, however. How do you protect your forest from the deer and do you ever introduce deciduous or evergreen trees and pollinators for the bees and butterflies. I figure that I’ll need to plan the forest for humans and wildlife. For the humans only forest I’ll surround with 2 level fencing to prevent deer from jumping in.

  7. Oh my gosh! Thank you for the name Bill Molson! I looked online and wow, pretty pricey, luckily, I was persistence and found a good condition 2ndhand, for only $40, getting it in two days!! I'm so excited!!❤

  8. Thank you. You have inspired me to get started on my food forest. I’m much older but like I always say you’re never too old to learn something new. You’re always so chipper upbeat and positive. I wish you much blessings in everything you pursue. Thank you so much.

  9. Hello from Northern Ireland, your videos are a wealth of knowledge. Hopefully, I will start my raised bed garden next year. My only problem is paved patio but with knowledge nothing is imposiblile.

  10. Do you have any concerns about any of tucks waste ending up in the food forest? Do you make sure he's empty before he's allowed in? Also, is there a plot we can check out as to what your layout is, what's planned where?

    Thanks much, this concept is blowing my mind

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