GROW PLANTS FROM CUTTINGS IN WATER ..FAST N EASY hibiscus,rose,oleander,mint,grapes etc can be grown from this method ..:)
Daizz’s tips:-you can change water after 6-7 days if it starts to smell..:)
Watch my another video on hibiscus cutting propagation in water
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Will i use honey i dont have roting harmone
Very helpful video indeed. Can this method work for growing different types of Fern plant also? Thank you sir please tell me
Did you covered this cutting with polythene when you put the cutting in water…?
Will it be done in any season
Can this work for any plants
Can we use this method on lemon plant?
It says in the instruction that after 6-7 days if the smell I not good you can change the water. Just change the water without the solution?
Very good value vedio
Can we grow exora from cutting in November December month
Can i use any rooting hormone like Rapid Growth Rooting Hormone? Thanks in advance sir..
What of we do not have rooting hormone?
Can we Used Honey instead of Rooting hormone ?
Been experimenting with petunias having flowers.
Notice they root faster than those having them pruned off
Do you change the water or not?
How can i get rooting powder that you use
Can we use honey instead of rooting hormone
Thank you for the tips
Will white water get automatically clear ( at 2:18)
We can grow without this chemical? We get root?
Will this work for tree cuttings also?
Can you please collab with me
how long does it take more or less?
After the root rot, my zz stems have only roots and no nodules. I repotted the plant. But the leaves are turning yellow. Do I need to water them often since there are no nodules ? Here temperatures ranges from 35-42 these days.
I’m new subscriber where we get rooting harmone please send me the link ( daily we have to change the water ) please let me know
Good idea but can I mix honey in the water?
Gotta get root hormone!
Where i can buy this kind of growth hormone…please help me sir pagsanjan laguna philippines…