BT is an organic product used to get rid of Cabbage loopers, leaf
curlers, tomato hornworm, tent caterpillars, and other pesky
caterpillars. It is sprayed onto leaves and will infect the little
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Would BT harm monarch caterpillars? I have inchworms absolutely decimating my sage but we have milkweed nearby for monarchs
Those are cabbage butterflies.
Should you add any sticky matter to keep it on the leaves
I've seen birds chasing these moths. So I'm thinking having birds around can be a good idea as predators.
Where can I purchase that? I can’t find it at Lowe’s or Home Depot , Amazon … not sure
Will BT kill cut worms as well?
What if the bacteria gets in the soil?
Will bt wash off in the rain every time I spray bt on my plants it rains .
Will this work on fall armyworms?
Can I use this on peas?
Is BT safe on fruits and vegetables?
I use Neem oil…. is this something that will work for these worms? I found after 3 weeks of rain that I now have loopers in my squash.
will work on pepper plants?
That’s how I take care of army worms.
Decimate = reduce by %10.
Doesn’t BT show up in the bloodstream of humans who consume it?
I'm on my 2nd season of caterpillars all over my rose & blueberry bushes. Your right, I went on vaca and came home to no leaves and thousands of caterpillars. How many times can I spray for infestation? The ones that are missed and not sprayed I read they go underground and lay larvae for the next season. How do I get rid of the ones in the ground around my plants so i dont get them next year?
This is why I couldn't hand find the bastards. Eating my petunias bad. So now I'm going to be hitting Agway for this. I'm such a softy. I hear it eats them inside out and I feel bad. Though I Know my poor plants deserve to thrive, so they gotta go. Gotta make them hard choices. Plus they wreaked havoc in my state and dessimated the trees.
Literally decimating my brand new soil/bed/newly transplanted seedlings :(((
What effect does BT have on honey bees? How can I be assured this won't affect my pollinators?
i don't think its good to do that to any kind creature they also deserve to live . if they dint then why did GOD introduce them to the world
Also planting Red and Purple leafy greens instead of green helps. Moths are less likely to lay her eggs on them.
I just saw that white butterfly flying behind you!
Cabbage monster
I liked and subscribed right away!
The host is just soo handsome!