September 28, 2024

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Biochar trials 14 day progress report

  1. It is my understanding that Biochar has a positive effect on soil microorganisms. If so, it would seem that any soil mixture containing Biochar would need a period of microbial acclimation for its benefits to be noticed.  So it would seem to me that after preparing a soil mixture with Biochar that it should remain undisturbed for a certain period of time prior to starting the test. 

  2. Just have to see how we  J.   I have had some not come yet but I have just had a look and I have one or two that are very dry. I must look watering more oops.
    But I have just seen my Kiwis are starting been a month or so from when I sown them from shop friut. On another note we had some snow this morning lol sping is here.

  3. This really interesting. If it was the seed source, you would expect that the lack of germination will be evenly distributed between the treatment groups but it seems like your 5% is the one that is doing the worst.  It's very curious! Great job capturing an describing your results!

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