September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Washing greens, the old way.

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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
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Music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Washing greens, the old way.

  1. Newly found your channel after watching yours and John's video on the GrowingYourGreens. channel. I have been joking with my wife that I want to turn my backyard into a farm. I don't think I am ready to go to that extreme, but I definitely want to expand my small section of my back yard garden into something larger. Also, in regards to farming on land that you don't own, there is a plot of land on my street, owned by an elderly lady that is willing to let me and a neighbor grow on. SO that may be in my future as well.

    After watching your vid on washing, it brought up a thought. In the past, there have been news stories on greens in the big box stores being contaminated with salmonella and folks becoming extremely ill. I was just wondering is that a concern of yours and if so, how do you deal with it? I would love to grow more even to give to neighbors and friends, but that is my biggest worry – someone getting ill from something that I grew.

    Thanks for the channel, as you provide excellent information for someone like me.

  2. Do you ever use any thing to disinfect the produce? Like peroxyacetic acid or chlorine bleach?
    I only grow for home use but the smaller greens seem to be the most difficult to clean and dry. Like the idea of using the washing machine as a spinner. Those hand spinners (at least the one I have) just doesn't seem to get enough of the water off.
    Any way, thanks for the video. Subscribed and will be checking out more of your stuff

  3. Hey curtis, love your stuff. Just wanted to give you tip that might help you dry your greens faster. Its a technique i read in Louise Broofields; From my Experience. He had built an enclosed aluminium chamber with a grid at the bot that would alow air to pas through and keep the greens or grasses in. The roof of the chamber had a fan instaled, when turned on, would suck air in from under the grid, forcing it through the pile of greens or grasses and drying them in record time. Maybe its taking it to far, but it is a very eficint way of utilizing the energy your fan using. Keep up the grate work.

  4. Great video, where can I find more about irrigation so that washing is unnecessary. Do you use the dried turkey manure on the salad greens, are pathogens not a problem?

  5. Curtis, thanks for all the awesome shared content. Your video series inspired me to quit my corporate job and in the same week find close by land to expand our backyard garden. Reading your book now which is loaded with great info. Our local market is thirsty and were just about to plant in our first market garden patch which we've finally got our infrastructure set up on.
    Thank you!
    Larry Ohio

  6. Hi Curtis, I bought the book and between your YouTube channel and the book, we have taken our production to the next level. Thank you. We have just begun using a re-purposed washing machine as a spinner, but we are noticing some bruising of the leaves. Did you modify the spin cycle speed or is there some other thing(s) to consider to minimize bruising?

  7. What do you line the boxes with? I've searched through the book and it just says trash bag like bags. Also the 11"x19" roll bags I'm using only seem to hold about 1/2 pound worth of micro greens. Am I not packing them tight enough or are there other bags that I should be using?

  8. Curtis, it occurs to me that when washing your greens (even in the newer videos), you do not use gloves, masks, hair nets, or have any kind of clean room. Is there no dust or wind where you live? Also all your production practices are online for your customers to see as well. Do they ever nit pick about how you wash and pack? How do/would you handle this?

  9. Very inspiring work curtis! really stoked on these videos. I have a small farm in Hawaii but we are off the grid and do not have electricity. What would your process be if you suddenly lost electricity but had to continue your business? Could you wash them as normal and then just put them on a drying rack with solar fans? Keep in mind I do not have a walk in cooler but will be harvesting the day of orders. Thanks for any advice!

  10. Hi Curtis, thanks so much for your awesome videos! Kindly may I ask at what setting do you spin salad greens? Lowest rpm, like 800 rounds per minute?

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