June 28, 2024


*Giveaway Closed*
Instagram: @huws_nursery
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
Dobbies: https://www.dobbies.com/
Seed sponsor: https://www.organiccatalogue.com
Tool sponsor: https://www.bulldogtools.co.uk

Main Camera: https://amzn.to/2KCbn0k
Second Camera: https://amzn.to/2KkRoUA
Laptop: https://amzn.to/2KjT4hj
Drone: https://amzn.to/2tUYZy6
Microphone: https://amzn.to/2KvTikz
Second Microphone: https://amzn.to/2yXuRYJ
Tripod: https://amzn.to/2lQ77g1

HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/HuwsNursery?sub_confirmation=1

Become a Patreon and help HuwsNursery GROW! https://www.patreon.com/huwsnursery
With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: From DROUGHT to DELUGE | 004

  1. My favourite thing to harvest is always potatoes! It might sound silly but I love turning over the soil and revealing the surprise of how much has appeared underground. Plus you can then make amazing tasty homemade chips mmmm

  2. Here in the North East of England each year's a growing challenge but I always enjoy harvesting rhubarb. It's not fancy, nothing eats it, it does it's own thing and likes the cold and wet. Makes simple crumbles but also enough lovely wine for the whole year. Also, nice vids Huw.

  3. Nice vlog Huw. You’re presentation has matured over the years. Keep it up. I love dry beans. Such good winter fare. And they are fun to grow to boot (not an entry as I’m downunder).

  4. Great resolution and camera/editing work! Wow! Lovely garden also. It gets super hot here in California and I barely water my kale. It kind-of struggles a bit in summer but picks up really quick when the weather cools and there’s a little more water. Love it. Just showed some winter seedlings last month and they should be ready to go out in another few weeks. Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, peas, lettuce, beets, kohlrabi, onions carrots and more! Love winter gardening! Also so excited to see some more squash forming on my winter squash and pumpkins so hopefully they can mature before December! Excited to see what your ‘project’ is! Keep up the good work.

  5. I’m a first time gardener and have a postage stamp garden,I have managed to grow 3 cherry tomatoes,leaks,broccoli,colli in tubs,also corn in a pot but only 3 have come up lolonions and beetroot,not bad for a tiny garden

  6. This year I tried the Cape gooseberry from seed for the first time from Dobies. they are now 5ft tall and produce lovely fruit, I would recommend them!

  7. Been following you for a few years new, Huw and this is by far the best, and most professionally made video. Loved the camera work and the shots you got. Lots of great angles, lighting and colours. Should be very proud!

  8. Hi Huw
    Congratulations on your partnership with Dobbies, we have a store real close to where I live. I love Dobbies and visit the store weekly !!! Love the quality of your videos , very well produced and informative. I absolutely love Courgettes and enjoy harvesting them. I didn’t grow any this year but will be preparing a place for them in 2019 !!!
    Keep up the good work
    Best wishes

  9. Any advice on how to grow food during the winter? I've been looking at hoop houses but don't know if that's the best solution. I haven't had much luck growing things indoors… doesn't seem to be quite the same as growing things outside… Love your videos by the way! 🙂

  10. Thanks for the video , it's great , as usual 🙂
    I love harvesting French dwarf beans. They are just going all year round. From 5 plants I get a big bowl of beans a week 🙂 I absolutely love them:)

  11. I enjoy harvesting Golden Beetroot. I like the taste and texture – It is softer than a turnip and does not colour the food as much as a red beetroot. I let one go to seed this year and it has produced thousands of seeds. Some have already started to grow to produce next year crop and some winter leaves too.

  12. Hey man, cool videos. I'm doing a serious garden update over here. Last summer the drought was pretty bad as well here in Belgium. Would be awesome if you'd make a video about water in the garden and how we can prepare ourselves.

  13. Our beagle caused a tradition to happen in our garden, he got the first and last strawberry. This dog knew how to pluck the very best one off the vine and he would celebrate with it tossing it up in the air over and over before settling down with it (in kicked back beagle limbs ways) and savoringly eating it…how could we stop that?!
    My favorite however is the cucumber! They are the most enjoyable for me but I take mine in the house to eat, lol!
    Great video Huw, God's blessings to you and your garden

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