July 2, 2024

VIDEO: 10 Youtube Channel Shout Outs

Lets try and help as many of the smaller channels as we can… 🙂

Jackos Allotment : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdh1sjUK3PbkDjj2VrX_NZA

Misfit gardening : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7wWmcXB-FbKxNjm_qi-hvg

Michael Brotherton : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqEi7lhxLzkZtdkuGp581w

A Little Dirt Never Hurt : https://www.youtube.com/user/Mrsnufleupagus

William Coleman’s Garden and Allotment : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC04beAVC46XK-gOiTqlJ69g

My Hillside Garden : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjlPIpz43Y0YAoH_mreF5g

Nick’s Allotment Diary : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbXmYdJ9Rn4vWYCGIr8T0wQ

Purple Sweet Pea : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh1_4KhQRVBfDXF3SHBwGLA

CB’s Greenhouse and Garden : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk5W82ixPGjFfVdYx3WfV7A

John Simpson : https://www.youtube.com/user/simbo57

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 10 Youtube Channel Shout Outs

  1. Good afternoon Adam. It is a shame what YT is doing to the small channels. Some of them depend on the few dollars they receive from the ads. I only see a few channels I'm not subscribed to so I'll check them out. Have a great weekend. Best wishes Bob.

  2. I will have to get to know Micheal, and John. I love all the other channels! My Hillside Garden is exciting for me, because she is NOT new to gardening, but she is new to YouTube. I've enjoyed all my chats with her a lot! Thank you kindly Adam, I really appreciate your gardening friendship:)))

  3. Thank you so much for the shout out! I'm already subbed to most but will check out the ones I am not. You know me if they have gardening then I am in!!! Thanks again for helping us small channels out! Hope you have a great weekend my friend!

  4. Hi Adam, Thank you for the shout out it is appreciated. I have been doing a bit of research into the youtube adopocolypse and the thousand subscribers it is very complex. Youtube is 70% down on their revenue and have to do something. There is a battle going on somewhere between someone and don't think it is youtube, they are in the middle. Disney are involved and when I say, Disney, read Murdoch. Fake News and censorship. Our 1000 subs is a tiny pinprick in the overall scheme the money involved is enormous. To be 70% down on revenue for most would break them but I have confidence in youtube because their market is just as huge advertisers cannot ignore it. This coming Tuesday youtube are making a statement on their way forward which will be interesting. With regard to giving shout outs can only be a good thing it is good for establishing an allotment community and we should encourage allotmenteers and gardeners to upload videos of their work and encouragement on how to make their videos interesting. Taking of advertisement what about people like Wilco, B&Q etc telling youtube they would like to advertise on allotment uploads? A lot to think about. Mike B

  5. Adam, Came home from work this afternoon, and saw all these new subscribers and the mention of your name. I feel so honored to be mentioned on your channel. It was because of you telling me about the channel "home gardens" that I went and searched further for new gardeners channels. Have gotten inspiration now from "a little dirt never hurt" and from "William Coleman's garden and allotment channel" and many others. I have always enjoyed your videos, and now I will have so many more to learn from, I can only hope that some will learn from me as well. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great weekend and Happy Gardening! Catherine

  6. Cheers Adam. Thanks for the shout out mate, very good of you. I’m subscribed to most of these great channels but I’ll check out the two that I’m not. I think the gardening YouTube community is great and if we can all help each other to grow then that’s fantastic. Take care. Nick

  7. Thanks Adam, you are a great guy, I will try and do the same for the other people on your list, I suppose because my channel is as Rickvanman would call it a variety channel, so I don't really fit into the allotment YouTube scene, although I am our allotment secretary and I care for 4 allotments! Thanks to all your followers who have subed me, and please get more people to sub me – John

  8. I've took offense!!! Lol kidding 🙂 this is my shout out to my self I've just stated making videos of my allotment and my kids sometimes help too. Thank youuu 🙂 I love the gardening community no matter what YouTube dose I hope everyone still makes videos 🙂

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