July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Gardening at Night

In this video I discuss why I love gardening at night. Gardening after dark has many advantages and I think it should be on your priority list to maintain the health of your garden and for your sanity.
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11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Gardening at Night

  1. In Michigan, we can smoke dope legally now, so I'm usually stoned and drunk at night, so if I walked around in a garden at night, I would probably step on the plants and that wouldn't be a good thing.

  2. i garden at 2am after work and im always worried that i damaged any of my plants. Thanks for this learning. i also water my plants between 2 am and 3am and hoping everything will evaporate later. im in a tropical country with shady or partial sunlight during the day. can you advise if im not doing any permanent damage.

  3. I have a really bad sun allergy and had no idea for many years. I finally figured it out after years of suffering in the sun and giving up gardening entirely. Once I figured it out, I ended up doing all my gardening at night including weeding. I enjoy it soo much more. It’s cool, no sun, no sweating, no need for sunblock, it’s quiet and it’s just plain fun to garden at night. I turn on my Christmas lights and have solar lights/ garden decor that glows in the dark too and it creates this atmosphere that is relaxing. I don’t have to worry about having to talk to neighbors or people walking by and staring at me. It’s just more enjoyable. I also love to kill pests at night with my electric bug killer wand and weeding doesn’t take much energy out of me.

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