September 28, 2024


The Urban Farmer is a channel dedicated to sharing the experiences and learnings from Curtis Stone and his urban farm Green City Acres in downtown Kelowna, BC, Canada. Last year Green City Acres grew over 50,000 lbs of food on less than an acre of land, using 100% natural, organic methods and only 80 litres of gasoline. Every year we strive to revolutionize how we farm in order to reshape our local food system to be more environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Follow our journey, as we try to change the world one seed at a time.

Who We Are:
We’re a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate about alternative and sustainable growing practices.

What We Do:
We provide delicious produce grown using organic methods on various rented urban plots and will teach you how to do the same.

How We Do It:
We use highly effective intensive farming techniques to maximize the production of the land, while regenerating the health of the soil.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: Beet Greens

  1. 40 degrees Celcius in Canada? I'm south of you in the states and I can't remember the last time it was that hot. Is that due to all of the asphalt nearby?

  2. This is driving me crazy. I've been binge-watching these videos from the beginning and wondering WHY do you randomly swing the camera away from you for a split second then back?? What is that? Are you picking your nose or something and don't want anyone to see? 🙂

  3. Looks like you're killing it on greens, BUT I'm not prepared to buy a fridge yet, so do you have recommendations for crops that don't need refrigeration? We grow garlic, but I would like to diversify as well. Thanks for the great content.

  4. does cutting the greens off the beets impede the growth of the actual beet itself….. or is this plant grown specifically for the greens

  5. Do you use shade cloth at all in the summer? Would that even help on the very hot summer days and prevent plants from turning into seed stage too soon?

  6. Ok Curtis I have been reading the comments here. So because you have been picking them, the beet itself will not be good enough to sell? Also, how much do you charge for "baby chard" a pound?

  7. I’m in Washington state. I always get leaf miner trails in my beet greens, spinach, and chard. Do you not have this pest? Any advice? Happens every time, they find them.

  8. Great video, I’m from Ontario and wanting to start planting greens. Mine will be on a small scale for myself, but regardless the video is great and plans to check out more of them. Love the look of a front yard all garden and not grass. Are your planting all organic ?

  9. I started eating beet leaves with my hot breakfast every morning because they have the highest potassium content compared to spinach or chard. I aim for a 4500 mg of potassium per day and have to eat a lot. I find they are a better quality green, when steamed they are more juicy and tender than chard. Beet leaves are hard to find where I am and I have to buy the whole beetroot plant to get them. So sick of looking around the shops for a good supply, so I've started growing my own. It's winter here in Australia and the growth is slow going. A lot of my plants are purple and only some of them green. Your patch is completely green. Looks great.

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