September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Winter Mulching Your Garden – How and Why To Mulch Your Garden In The Winter! (2020)

Winter Mulch Your Vegetable Gardens For Maximum Results! The best way to protect your garden beds, plants, and soil, is to use a thick, organic layer of mulch in the fall, before winter comes. Soil is not designed to ever be exposed, at any time of year, but especially in winter! Cover those garden plots, raised beds, and containers with straw, hay, grass clippings, shredded leaves….whatever, and your garden will reward you the coming spring with unreal results.

Covering the soil does 3 things. Join me in this video as we explore the reasons for winter mulching and how those reasons differ from the reasons you mulch in the spring and summer.

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Winter Mulching Your Garden – How and Why To Mulch Your Garden In The Winter! (2020)

  1. There's a tree that is between my place and the house behind. I use the leaves for mulch; but, I also use the stalks from the sunflowers that grow in my yard. I don't try to grow anything outdoors when there is snow on the ground. All my containers have been mulched.

  2. i love you. very good videos you upload. please if you visit to israel come visit me i will give you israeli tomato seeds, the israeli tomatoes are the best! so sweet and tasty, rich in flavors. we in israel love tomatoes and we grow them all year. the tomato is a holy fruit in our country and a lot of money go to genetic engineering to make new and perfect species. sorry for the bad English.

  3. Nature does not need us to survive. Just copy paste nature into your garden.
    I started to thick mulch my beds for the winter with horse manure (5 inches) and shredded leaves (5 inches). Some I also covered with card board. Will see how all that works out
    Happy new year and blessings to you and your loved ones.

  4. I have some new raised beds and I didn't mulch last fall…just found this video…yikes..I will this fall but for spring what should i do? I dont have grass clippings yet…(Ontario). Would appreciate your advice…and is that straw or hay you use? Does it matter

  5. After watching several of your vids I've noticed that you often use straw that is chopped pretty finely. Do you get your straw already chopped or do you chop it up yourself. I have been mulching with a straw bale and it does the job but it's not nearly as easy to work with as the straw you use. I've considered running it over and bagging it with my mower but not sure how it would turn out.

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