June 8, 2024

VIDEO: 10 Ways to Make your Vegetable Garden More Productive in 2017…and Beyond!

Our awesome sponsor: https://www.firsttunnels.co.uk – This video is packed with 10 ways for you to have a more productive vegetable garden not only in 2017 but beyond. I hope that this video will arm you with more ideas to help increase productivity so you can grow more fruit and vegetables at home and save money. Here are the timestamps:
1) Building soil over winter 0:59
2) Crack down on the enemy 2:07
3) Succession planting plan 3:13
4) Vertical 4:15
5) Undercover growing 5:03
6) Interplanting 5:50
7) Pushing the boundaries of spacing 7:08
8) More of the best 7:52
9) Free fertilizers 8:59
10) Those pesky weeds 10:08

Links mentioned in the video:
Preparing Raised Beds over Winter: https://youtu.be/97icQHwRyi8
The result video of pre-preparing: https://youtu.be/jNG4bG_vtMg
OneYardRevolution channel: https://www.youtube.com/oneyardrevolution
Square foot gardening:

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 10 Ways to Make your Vegetable Garden More Productive in 2017…and Beyond!

  1. Excellent content, very knowledgeable on gardening.  Great vocabulary and proper grammar. You can tell that you read a lot and were raised well.  Love the fact no bs and extra nonsense stories.  Good job and keep up the wonderful videos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I want to thank you so much and tell you how appreciative I am of this video and all the others you post!!! You are by FAR the best when it comes to garden videos. Like others say, you are so incredibly detailed, which helps so much. At the end of others videos I have so many questions that usually go unanswered, however, you are so detailed I actually can't even think of any questions. The thing I love the most is how cost-effective you are too, you let us know where you got it and for how much which is extremely helpful. I needed to buy a growing light, and Garden Answer did a video on lights and the one I thought I'd like cost about …I can't afford that, and that defeats my purpose of wanting to grow my own food to begin with. I would absolutely love if you made a Instagram for your gardening and kitty cat. I will be your first follower!!!
    KEEPHOMECARESAFE.ORG recently posted : http://www.keephomecaresafe.org/start-vegetable-garden-scratch/

  3. I discovered your vlog last week and im stunned to find out that there is someone out there that goes as fare as me in my research of a better gardening. How or from what are you basing your lactic fermentation recipes as i found a very interesting blog and book from a french specialist but each culture has its own way of doing it so im curious to learn more. Thanks

  4. This is a great video Huw. I have been gardening all my life on both small and large scale from plastic containers on an apartment balcony to my uncles hobby farm of 30 arcs. This and the rest of your videos are spot on, and a great resource for me when I am helping friends and family with their gardens. For some reason, the believe the advice more coming from you. 8 ) Keep the vids coming!

  5. Great video for wanna be kitchen gardens like myself. Also I found it very informative. I would like more tips around ploughing the soil and how to sow the seeds. Cheers man.

  6. Had a marvellous year Hugh, thanks to all your mulching tips. Can't believe how much fruit and veg I have managed to harvest. Less slugs, less weeding and home made nutrient. very good indeed thank you.

  7. Awesome. To water your yard or garden easily, get the Amazon's Choice "strongest water hose 2019" (from January 23, 2019) from "greenfriendlyhome" at @t. 5 *****stars 2019 new technology product – strongest expandable garden water hose in the market! This is a great hose if you want to focus on enjoying your gardening experience, if you want to be fully relaxed and tranquil after a long day, without being distracted by a heavy, tangled, and kinked hose. You can watch the "greenfriendlyhome" videos too on YouTube

  8. Not sure if you will be able to help me. I’m from Australia and I’ve been growing majool date seeds( I have about 6 of them in a 50cm long pot. I started around Christmas time and I germinated them inside. They have been out in the shade for the past few months. They are now about 10/15cms tall. I’m wondering if I should move them into a bigger pot. If I should move them into the sun since it’s getting a little cooler now. If you don’t know, could you point me in a direction that some one may know more about. Cheers

  9. Hello! I’m new to growing vegetables and one of my favourite vegetables to grow is kale. I have a a very limited space to grow vegetables and I’m always torn whether to pull out last years crop of kale. I like saving seeds but at the same time I’m loosing that space for new a crop of vegetables. How should I go about doing this?

  10. What’s the best mulch for vegetable plots and where in the Uk can I buy that mulch? Thinking something organic as wood bark chips r decorative rather than for vegetables ? Please advice

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