March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Interviews & Insights – What The Fungus – PART 1

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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Interviews & Insights – What The Fungus – PART 1

  1. dude I love these shows… guy's are my heros
    I was wondering if you could help me find how to buy the bags that the mushroom guy uses…..and when are you guys coming to oregon?

  2. Thanks for the video! Really cool set-up.

    Q: Other than scalability is there reasoning for independent concrete pads vs 1 long pad?

    Q: Why concrete vs gravel with appropriate drainage?

    Many Thanks.

  3. God i love to see people gaining success by the focus of their minds and the sweat of their brow, thinking outside the box and acting with passion. I have to get out of the dingy thankless shop i work in!!!

  4. He seems to be wasting a lot of time inoculating different culture mediums. He could inoculate a large jar of liquid medium and after testing it for viability, just inoculate all the bags with it via syringe. Not only would it cut out a lot of those steps, but he'd be inoculating from one sterile condition to another, removing a lot of the potential for contamination in the process.

  5. i love how he answered the question about the cost per bag. i don't know why so many Canadians are focused making hydro electricity if he can run 2 large flow hoods for $40 a month!?! lucky, i guess. i am just jealous. i live in CA, running one HEPA is like having an air conditioner or heater on, 24/7.

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