March 7, 2025

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bad News Up At The Plot

  1. I feel you're pain about the shed. My wooden cold frame full of seedlings was blown over and smashed apart a few weeks ago. At least Ive no rabbits…

  2. Bummer. I would set-up a trap with food and feed the rabbits. It really sux that your shed got ruined. Once the rabbits are nice and plump, well they do make a great meal. You know when you have a problem with rabbits make rabbit stew. Have a great evening. Best wishes Bob.

  3. Oh Adam, so sorry about the rabbits. It's strange that they would be such a nuisance when there is green around for the to eat, but wouldn't you rather eat parsnip than grass? To keep them from coming under the fence, I don't know if you want to know this, but you have to bury wire about 12 inches under and have it bent facing out. Rabbits are burrowing animals, they'll dig under the chicken wire if they want something. sorry. I can relate to what you are feeling. Terrible about the shed, but good you had dad's help. Happy Gardening! Catherine

  4. Hi Adam. Really sorry about your shed mate. Still wasn't you on about building a veranda type thing and putting your table under it for potting. If not that might be an idea. As for the rabbits Adam their determined and I'm sure your more determined to keep them out. When we had problems years ago we used corrugated tin sunk in halfway all round. It stopped them mind, it took some time to collect it. Well keep positive and keep going, you encourage us a lot. Roger n Jen.

  5. Not great, I had a similar thing happen to me when I went up the plot and found my poly tunnel had blown off and stuff was everywhere.
    One thing I would highly recommend to anyone that has glass panels on a shed or greenhouse is to apply a clear laminate onto the panels so that if you have a breakage you don't end up with glass in your soil. Any sign shop will have some. I hope this helps.

  6. to stop them once and for all you will need to dig a trench around the perimeter fence around your allotment and beury the chicken wire at least 8-12 inches and the cable tie the rest to the fence and infill the trench !! shame about the shed but it leave you scoop to get a really good man cave shed to replace iy

  7. So sorry about the loss of the shed, but at least it wasn't the only one you had on the plot.
    Now the rabbits, that's a different kettle of fish all together. My recommendation is to add about 5 feet to your fence, bend it away from your plot and bury it. That ought to keep them out as they don't like digging in wire. (grin) Hope that helps some. I wish I could send you over to another site that has done this with success, unfortunately YT has decided that his videos are not people friendly. He raises ducks and how that qualifies is beyond me, but then I'm old and tptb at YT are very young. Still if you are interested check out 50 Ducks in a Hot Tub.

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