July 2, 2024

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: TESTING Best & Easy DIY Low Tunnel with Hoops also Used for Cardboard Gardening for beginners Pt 5

  1. Wow, Mark, you sure do go the extra mile for your viewers…You brought about a snowstorm to test your low tunnel design for us. :-)) Thanks! Be well, my friend!

  2. Built a lean to green house once. Similar construction to yours. Mine was metal conduit 90 degree bent hoops. Hoops were (1/4) circular, 10' radius bend. Film was commercial grade greenhouse stuff not affected by UV. Actually 2 layers of film with a 1/10 HP blower inflating a 4-5" pillow of air in between layers for insulation. . Outside film was painted with white latex to lower summer indoor temps. We get a total of 10-12 " of sticky snow/sleet/freezing rain during an average winter. Only time ice or snow did not slide right off was when the first precipitation was freezing rain. Sleet or snow was "glued to that. Would collapse the "pillow" but the film remained secure. Had to replace the film every 5-6 years. WORKED WELL ENOUGH FOR ORCHIDS. And no, I never bred an orchid worthy of patenting.

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