VIDEO: Seed Harvest
Please watch until the end for the revealing
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Gardening is my passion, and growing Food Forests is my specialty. I go beyond organic gardening and work with nature rather then against it. Gardening doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to be a servant to the garden. I can help you too create a gardening system that works with you and for you rather then you working for it. I use No pesticides, No herbicides. No fungicides, No growth hormones, No antibiotics, and No fertilizers. I allow nature to be the teacher and mimic the natural forest model to create an ideal living environment for all living things. I know their aren’t a lot of people who are super excited about growing their own food, but at a time when GMO’s and pesticide laden foods are causing so many health problems, I am standing in the gap showing others there is a different, and a better way!
Location: United States
Please watch until the end for the revealing
The succession of our annual garden towards a perennial based system.
I discuss the importance of systems being scale-able, and the importance of interdependence with symbiotic relationships.
Permaculture update on the system that we have established in my backyard. The system has really been taking care of itself, while we have continued to plant seed, and also harvest both seed and produce. In my next update I will be further explaining why we garden the way we do, which is an interesting…
Permaculture garden short update on how the system is supporting itself, while producing us food, building fertility, providing food and habitat for animals etc.
An explanation of the first step to becoming a Natural Farmer. A Phoenix rises from the ashes.
Birds play music in the background while most of the summer crops we have planted on our Huglekultur bed on contour are flowering and now the pollinators are moving through to go to work.
I talk about how our current system is pioneering the way for a future self-sustaining food forest. I am using all different kinds of annuals; including nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators, and also biomass accumulators to help build soil fertility, and to provide an ideal environment for young fruit trees and bushes. The Polyculture planting style…
Today I take you through the garden and explain the ideology behind some of the companion planting I did, and the use of trap crops to deter unwanted bugs from choice crops. Some of the main trap crops I used were; mustard greens, collard greens, and radishes. I also used onions and garlic to help…
In our permaculture garden our system harvests its own; water (rain-water harvesting system), fertilizer (through nitrogen fixing microbes and dynamic nutrient accumulating plants), and its own seed. The only thing we have to do is harvest large branches throughout the yard for stakes, and harvest some of the crop for food.
A video showing how fast polycultures come together, and how landscape design can add to fertility and overall yields.
An update on things and my attempt to inspire you to garden without doubt.
Garden update on the progression of our permaculture garden, and some success we are having with hugelkultur. Also, a look into the roll of timing when planting polycultures.
Showing how the garden is coming along, and how well things look after the rains.
I show the many benefits of Mustard Greens, and the techniques we use to constantly build soil fertility, increase biomass, and diversify available nutrients in our garden.
In this video I show the polyculture plant guilds that we have created this year, and also talk about how are getting up to 7 times the yield in one spot. These polycultures act in many beneficial ways, including pest deterrents and they also create symbiotic relationship from plant to plant.
In this video we show the Praying Mantis eggs hatching ,and a bunch of the small offspring that will be workers in our garden helping to keep a balanced ecosystem.
In this update I take you through the progression of the polyculture plant guilds in the garden, and show how things look after we removed our pioneering cold frame system.
In this video my brother and I build a trellis out of nothing but 3 sticks. We peel the bark, than braid it to increase its strength. Than we put the sticks in the ground and braced the 3 sticks together using the homemade braided bark rope.
An update on our spring garden, and some proof of the natural mycorrhizae association and the effect of woodchips and organic matter to help boost the process
In this update we fill you guys in on how the plants did through the 28 degree temperature we had last night, and also a little surprise we stumbled on.
An update on our polyculture garden. The combination of the bricks and windows seems to be helping the seedlings through the cooler nights. It shouldn’t be long until the lush green takes over.
An update on our completion of the cold frame, and also a few surprises we picked up from Home Depot.
An update on the finished Hugelkultur beds, and also an update on how the transplants and seedlings are doing in the cold frames.
Short update to fill you guys in ok what we did today
Hugelkulture garden update, short but better than nothing.
Starting our Hugelkulture beds living room style!!
Just a walk though of how the garden is coming along an some plans for the spring