May 15, 2024


There are 7 billion people in the world, not everyone can live on an off grid large land homestead. Instead, Ian and Serina offer some ideas on how urban homesteading can provide the answer to creating more livable and sustainable cities. Join us as we talk about some of our ideas on why you should…

VIDEO: Join our Journey

Here’s our story. We haven’t always been living the homestead style life. We used to dream about living off the grid. Get a feel for our urban homestead and learn about what lead us to the decisions we made in regards to homesteading, and why we provide value to our viewers.

VIDEO: Picking Bush Beans

Join Serina as she harvests the bush beans. This time of year, it is pretty much a daily job, but we aren’t complaining. We go over our growing routine, and show you when to pick the beans to get them at the perfect size. Come and relax with us in the garden.

VIDEO: DIY Greenhouse Tour

A tour of our recently completed greenhouse. We built it for 800 dollars, using simple materials and chainlink fencing supplies. It has roll up sides to allow air flow and keep it from over heating in the summer, automatic windows to open in the morning, and drip irrigation to automate the watering. It was simple…