March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 6 Infrastructure

Transform food waste into a valuable food supply for chickens, hogs, songbirds and fish with Black Soldier Fly Production. Karl Warkomski, Director of Conservation with ProtaCulture, LLC introduces us to this astounding insect that can break down food waste faster than microbes. Black Soldier Fly maggots make a high fat, high protein source of nourishment…

VIDEO: Backyard Biochar with Abraham Cluxton

Abraham Cluxton teaches how he made his own homemade biochar cookstoves that produce high quality charcoal for inoculation and inclusion in gardens/farms. Learn the basics of how a biochar cookstove works and how you can put one together to begin your own small scale production that can transform wood waste into activated charcoal; a useful…