VIDEO: Very First Indoor harvest video! ft. guinea pig and baby carrot!
Most Cutest harvest video out there
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Most Cutest harvest video out there
I’m showing the steps I take to make a grow tower. I show the tools I use and the process to begin laying out and marking the hole placements. As I say in the video, I tend to get pretty anal with some things. As a former long-time carpenter, using math, laying out and marking…
part 2 – Maximizing Garden Space – techniques and Brain power Part 1 can be found here: Video 1 – Introduction to maximizing Garden Space Video 2 – Companion planting, secondary locations and determination
Part1 – I had to split the video. It was too large and upload kept failing. Once I get both uploaded I will place a link on each one to take you to the other. If this is the first one of this series you are seeing, please see the others. Part 2 –…
Update! Almost time for harvest. Discussing successes, failures and problems.
Quail brooder made from modified rabbit, guinea pig, or parrot cage. Video starts with new hatchlings and then progresses to 5 days old. The brooder design and inside equipment is described in this presentation. Ask questions – my fourm is @ or visit my blog This vid was requested by cubaniton74 – hope…