March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Get Rid of Earwigs With These 2 Traps!

Earwigs, specifically the European earwig can do some serious damage to your seedlings, cornstalks, and fruit – but they ALSO eat insect eggs, aphids, and other soft-bodied pests. If you have too many earwigs in your garden, here are two organic earwig traps you can use to cut down on their populations a bit to…

VIDEO: 왕사슴벌레 핸들링 [INSECTS ON MY HAND][Dorcus hopei] オオクワガタ

네이버 블로그 : insta : 왕사슴벌레 (Dorcus hopei) 수컷의 경우 큰턱은 크고 튼튼하며 둥근 형태로 안쪽으로 구부러져 있는데, 안쪽에 1개의 큰 이빨만 있다. 등딱지날개는 광택이 적은 검정색이며 딱지날개에 뚜렷하지 않은 긴 줄의 형태로 되어있다. 암컷의 경우 광택이 있는 검정색이며 등딱지날개는 작은 점이 파인 형태가 이루어져 줄이 형성된 형태로 8∼10개의 세로로 줄이 나타나있다. 턱은…

VIDEO: Buying Biology: Beneficial Organisms for Disease and Pest Control Part 8

Award winning entomologist, Dr. Richard McDonald, together with Pat Battle will focus on how to incorporate beneficial biological introductions and match them with preventive measures as our first line of defense against insect and disease pressure. Farmscaping, multi-species cover crops, minimal soil disturbance, and proper mineral availability are some of the many ways growers create…

VIDEO: How to Beat Bugs in Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Pests are an ever-present menace in the vegetable garden, but there’s no reason they should get the better of you, or your crops. Beneficial insects, birds and amphibians can do a lot of the pest control work for you but sometimes you’ll still need to protect crops…

VIDEO: Bug Hotel: How to Make a Home for Beneficial Insects

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Beneficial insects are an essential part of any successful vegetable or fruit garden. They help us by eating pests and by pollinating crops but to to make sure there are lots of them in the garden in time for spring, they need some protection during the colder…

VIDEO: Natural Pest Control for Healthy Plants in your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Watching as your plants are being destroyed by pests like slugs, aphids or cabbage worm can be very frustrating. However, there are many ways to use nature’s own organic pest controls to avoid your crops being damaged in this way. This video demonstrates simple pest control techniques…