VIDEO: Permaculture Garden Update
Permaculture Garden progression, I talk about companion and also the edge effect. I also explain some of the techniques I implement to attain the healthiest plants with the highest yields
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Permaculture Garden progression, I talk about companion and also the edge effect. I also explain some of the techniques I implement to attain the healthiest plants with the highest yields
Today is a quick video about companion planting and why you should use it. I include some examples and 4 reasons why you have to give it a go! Here is a link to a companion planting chart: And one from Mother Earth News: Thanks for watching and please subscribe so you can stay…
Speaking a bit on the strategies I used for my garden this year. Proximity, layers and canopies, placement, plant section and storage.
Due to internet difficulties I must upload in smaller parts for a while. In this section I speak about weather. The rest should be more interesting…maybe, I hope.
Today I take you through the garden and explain the ideology behind some of the companion planting I did, and the use of trap crops to deter unwanted bugs from choice crops. Some of the main trap crops I used were; mustard greens, collard greens, and radishes. I also used onions and garlic to help…
Garden is finally planted using several companion planting techniques. Companion planting tables I used to determine my strategy:
Just a quick update. Several people have asked how it’s going. Weather has hindered me in many ways this year.
Plan to Plant! This is really the first step to Maximizing Garden Space. I’ve divided the seeds into monthly categories and will determine what I will do on a weekly basis.
See the GrowVeg book here: When planning a vegetable garden it’s easy to ignore problems that can occur when plants are in the ground. In this video we look at 3 common mistakes gardeners make when planning their gardens and give simple solutions. Making sure your plants are spaced correctly, using companion…