March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Slash Your Biggest Gardening Cost in 2023

Want to cut costs in your garden? Potting mix and compost is arguably a gardener’s biggest yearly expense. in this week’s episode, Ben treats us to some money saving tricks and tips for filling pots and raised beds for a fraction of the price, if not entirely for free. Better get collecting now! Off you…

VIDEO: There is NO Alternative to Compost – Why Bagged Soil Should Not Be Used to Start A Garden

In this episode, I will explain why you should start with compost and why bagged soil isn’t a good solution for starting a garden unless you have no other option. _____________________________________________________________________________________ We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for $2 heirloom seeds, custom blend fertilizers and…

VIDEO: 감자심기ㅣHow to Plant Potatoes

작년 겨울에 강원도 씨감자를 신청하였다가 2020년 3월초에 드디어 도착하였다. 씨감자 싹이 나올 수 있게 일주일정도 따뜻한곳에서 두고 씨감자부터 50일간 성장과정을 영상으로 찍어 보았다. 별거 없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂 +음악 Rain.mp3 English_Country_Garden.mp3 Slow Times Over Here Fresh Fallen Snow +카메라 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로 +촬영/편집 : Korean Gardener 초록식물TV #감자 #강원도감자…

VIDEO: How to Have A Successful Garden ~ Soil

Soil can make or break a garden. The best soil is pure compost since it contains all the essential things or success. The other type of soil is potting mix or bagged soil, and the very last type of soil is mother earth native soil. Pick one, or mix them. Either way the soil is…