June 9, 2024

VIDEO: 6 Rare Dragonfruit Varieties Taste Test!

My friend Richard at Grafting Dragon Fruit sent me 6 rare dragon fruit varieties…so it’s taste test time! I even got a yellow dragon fruit, which I’ve been trying to taste for quite a while. Subscribe to Richard’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfv8Z2LrpQA0bFsP_Kk_3Q Here are the 6 pitaya / pitahaya varieties: – Vietnam White – Ecuador Palora -…

VIDEO: How to Take Dragonfruit Cuttings ✂️🐉

Dragonfruit, or pitahaya, is incredibly easy to propagate from cuttings. It’s a fast rooter and once established will grow like crazy. Here is my personal method for taking a dragonfruit cutting and rooting it successfully. If any dragonfruit growers out there have a different or better method, please drop me a comment! Always looking to…