June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Native Pollinators Beneficial Insects & Farmscaping

Learn about native pollinators, beyond honeybees, as we explore the large variety of native bees, predatory wasps, beetles, flies, butterflies, and moths that are vital to healthy farm and garden ecosystems. Discover farmscaping practices to support healthy insect populations. Nancy Lee Adamson, Ph.D. is a native pollinator specialist with the Xerces Society. Together with Brannen…

VIDEO: Buying Biology: Beneficial Organisms for Disease and Pest Control Part 8

Award winning entomologist, Dr. Richard McDonald, together with Pat Battle will focus on how to incorporate beneficial biological introductions and match them with preventive measures as our first line of defense against insect and disease pressure. Farmscaping, multi-species cover crops, minimal soil disturbance, and proper mineral availability are some of the many ways growers create…

VIDEO: Farmscaping for Pollinators & Predatory Insects

Discover key plants that add biodiversity and beauty to your farm & garden with Pat Battle. Learn about the dynamic interactions between plants, pollinator and predator insects that will help you create a buzz of biodiversity that helps sustain balance in your niche of the local ecosystem. Explore several more farmscaping video series on LivingWebFarms.org

VIDEO: Roundtable: Keepers of the Bees

Join us for this roundtable event of wise local beekeepers facilitated by Diane Almond of Honeybees & Heather Farm, Nancy Adamson of the Xerces Society, Michelle Carter of Living Web Farms and Phyllis Stiles of Bee City USA. They will discuss sustainable beekeeping, pollinator health & habitat, community dynamics and activism. Bring your questions and…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Patryk Battle, Part 5

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at http://www.livingwebfarms.org Learn the ‘who, what, when, where, why & how’ of farmscaping to maximize diversity for a healthy garden. Grow a banquet for beneficials, and they will come. See farmscaping examples, best plants for each crop/season and other essential components to…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Patryk Battle, Part 2

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at http://www.livingwebfarms.org Learn the ‘who, what, when, where, why & how’ of farmscaping to maximize diversity for a healthy garden. Grow a banquet for beneficials, and they will come. See farmscaping examples, best plants for each crop/season and other essential components to…

VIDEO: Farmscaping with Patryk Battle, Part 1

Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food organically at http://www.livingwebfarms.org Learn the ‘who, what, when, where, why & how’ of farmscaping to maximize diversity for a healthy garden. Grow a banquet for beneficials, and they will come. See farmscaping examples, best plants for each crop/season and other essential components to…