VIDEO: You can eat fava (broad) bean leaves…
We’re often advised to pinch out the tops of fava/broad beans to avoid black bean aphids. But don’t throw the tops onto the compost heap – eat them!
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We’re often advised to pinch out the tops of fava/broad beans to avoid black bean aphids. But don’t throw the tops onto the compost heap – eat them!
Wait! It’s not quite time to hang up your boots for the season yet. There’s a crop you can still sow that will give you some of your earliest harvests of 2023 if you get them in now! It’s the vegetable that time forgot, the humble broad bean or fava bean. The long lost legume…
Lets plant out the onions sets modules and get them ready for when we transfer them up to the plot. We’ll also take a look at how the broad beans and sweet peas are getting on as well as the luffas and the potatoes. If you’ve liked this video you may be interested to see…
We take a look at the turnips in this video. We also plant out a few seeds for some late summer crops. #turnips #favabeans #zucchini If you liked this video, here’s another we think you will enjoy WATCH: Please like, share, comment and SUBSCRIBE xx
In this video I show you how to grow broad beans or fava beans from start to finish with great results. Follow these easy steps and you to will be able to grow broad beans and become self sufficienct. Here’s another video that I think you would like, please click on the link. WATCH:…
In this video we show you how to sow your Broad Beans / Fava Beans in preparation to plant them out up at the allotment in a few weeks time. If you liked this video then please SUBSCRIBE as it’s FREE and it helps the channel grow. #favabeans #plantingbroadbeans #broadbeans
See the GrowVeg book here: Cover crops, or green manures, are a great way to protect your garden from weeds and soil erosion over the winter period. As well as protecting your soil, cover crops can be dug into the earth before spring, improving the soil ecosystem and feeding your plants with…
Today on Allotment Grow How Adam starts the new season off by planting the broad beans. Please like, comment, share or subscribe x
I made a start on sowing some seeds and then went up to the plot to plant some potatoes and broad beans. #propagators #plantingpotatoes #broadbeans Here are the links to the two channels mentioned in the video: Michael Brotherton – Allotment Journal – “Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By…