June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries – Maintenance Time

Growing The Best Strawberries Requires Strategy! In this video I show you how to take your spent Strawberry patch or bed or container and revamp it for maximum harvest next year. Strawberry plants actually grow and multiply on their own, outcompeting themselves and thus outgrowing their surroundings. They must be divided and replanted every 3-5…

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries: How to Grow New Strawberry Plants from Runners

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Fresh homegrown strawberries are a delicious taste of summer, but there are never enough! Fortunately, it’s easy to make more – absolutely free. Strawberries produce long, leafless stalks called runners. These can be used to propagate new strawberry plants which are ready to begin cropping next season.…