March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Using the Garden Planner to Make the Most of Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Getting the most from your vegetable garden is easy using our Garden Planner. A well-planned garden helps you avoid common issues that affect the health and productivity of your plants. With over 250 plants and 100 structures, you can easily identify the best positions for each plant…

VIDEO: Herb Garden Design Ideas

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Herbs are a versatile addition to your garden, adding color and aroma while also encouraging beneficial insects and even confusing pests. With a transformative effect in the kitchen, herbs can enhance meals, contributing bags of flavour and turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this short video…

VIDEO: How to Prepare Your Garden Against Frost

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Winter is nearly here – is your garden ready for it? Preparing for the colder months ahead will keep overwintering plants and your hard-working soil safe and productive. In this short video we’ll share some incredibly simple, inexpensive ways to get your garden ready for the first…

VIDEO: Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions…and More!

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Saving your own seeds is the ultimate in self-sufficiency. Every gardener should give it a go! Over time, saving seeds from your best plants can result in vegetables that are perfectly suited to your garden’s growing conditions. This means stronger, healthier plants – and bigger harvests! In…

VIDEO: Getting Rid of Weeds

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Weeds are an inevitable part of gardening. Their often persistent nature can make for a truly frustrating experience! But you don’t have to let them get the better of you. From puny annual weeds that can be dispatched with a hoe to more troublesome perennials that need…

VIDEO: How to Build a Raised Bed Step-by-Step

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Raised beds have many benefits for growing vegetables, especially if your soil is poor or badly drained. And they’re easy to make with a minimum of tools – no DIY skills required! With just a few materials, you can build your very own raised beds that will…

VIDEO: Growing Soft Fruits for Beginners

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Juicy, sweet and oh-so tempting – soft fruits are the last word in homegrown deliciousness. They’re also heavy cropping and surprisingly easy to grow. If you’ve never tried growing fruit before, now’s the time to get started. In this short video we show you the best soft…