September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Make a Compost Bin from Pallets

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Composting is the gardener’s way of recycling old plant material into rich, soil-nourishing compost. Plants love it! Wooden pallets are often free to source and are the perfect size for making a large compost bin. In this short video we demonstrate how to make a simple but…

VIDEO: How to Grow Delicious Herbs in Containers

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Delicious, aromatic herbs look fantastic in pots and can transform your cooking. Grow several different types together and you’ll enjoy fresh pickings time and again. A herb planter looks gorgeous and makes a unique, personal gift for your gardening- or cooking-obsessed loved ones. In this short video…

VIDEO: How to Make A Cold Frame Step-by-Step

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Cold frames are fantastically versatile, helping the gardener to cheat the seasons and enjoy more harvests. With just a few inexpensive and reclaimed materials, a drill, some screws and a screwdriver, it’s straightforward to make your own cold frame to protect plants from the elements. In this…

VIDEO: The Complete Guide to Companion Planting

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Flowers: they’re not just pretty to look at, they can really help to improve the way we grow our fruits and vegetables. Growing a variety of flowers as companion plants in or near your vegetable garden can enhance the beauty and productivity of your plot. In this…

VIDEO: How to Harvest, Store and Process Apples

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: This is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, and there’s little to beat the apple tree when it comes to fruitful abundance. Apples are a much-loved crop in many gardens, but how do you know just when the time is right to pick them? And what…

VIDEO: Growing Chard from Sowing to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: It’s easy to be charmed by chard – it looks stunning, is very easy to grow and is one of the most versatile vegetables in kitchen. Chard leaves make an excellent spinach substitute while the stems can be cooked just like asparagus, so you essentially get two…

VIDEO: How to Grow Quick Late-Season Salad Crops

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Though temperatures are starting to cool and the amount of daylight is reducing you can still harvest plenty of fresh food from your garden if you choose crops which mature quickly. Salad crops are some of the quickest plants to grow and, if given some protection, in…

VIDEO: How to Harvest and Store Onions

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Onions form the bedrock of many culinary creations. You can eat them fresh, but if you want to store some to use later on you’ll need to harvest and dry them correctly. Onions need to be thoroughly cured so that they can be kept in storage for…

VIDEO: How to Grow New Herbs from Cuttings

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Growing new herbs from established plants is easy to do and a great way to bulk out your existing herb garden. And now’s the time to do it! Many perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage and thyme are easily propagated by taking ‘semiipe’ cuttings in late summer.…

VIDEO: Use Mulch to Reduce Weeds, Save Water & Feed Your Plants

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Organic mulches are essential for a healthy, productive vegetable garden, locking in soil moisture, suppressing weeds and feeding plants as they rot down. There are lots of different materials that work well as organic mulch. Mulching is a great way to use up garden trimmings such as…

VIDEO: Growing Beets from Sowing to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Beets (also known as Beetroot) should be a staple of every vegetable garden. They’re really easy to grow from seed – and you don’t have to wait long ’til harvest time. Beets have quirky seed that produce multiple plants, so they need special aftercare to avoid overcrowding.…

VIDEO: How to Make a Self-Watering Plant Pot

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Plants in containers that are exposed to hot sunny weather without regular access to water can quickly dry out and become unhealthy. Self watering pots are an affordable solution that provide a slow release of water to your plants as they need it. In this short video…

VIDEO: 6 Ingenious Ways to Reuse Your Plant Pots

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Where would we be without plant pots? We use them to grow young plants and to bring on delicious salads, vegetables and fruits. But what do you do with your pots once your plants have outgrown them? Reusing plastic plant pots in the garden is not only…

VIDEO: How to Beat Bugs in Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Pests are an ever-present menace in the vegetable garden, but there’s no reason they should get the better of you, or your crops. Beneficial insects, birds and amphibians can do a lot of the pest control work for you but sometimes you’ll still need to protect crops…

VIDEO: How to Harden Off Indoor-Sown Plants

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Planting out carefully raised seedlings or plants is a proud moment, but if you started them off indoors it’s important to take the time to acclimatize them to the outdoors if they’re to grow and produce well. ‘Hardening off’ is the process of getting indoor-sown young plants…

VIDEO: How to Build Raised Beds for Your Vegetable Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Raised beds are extremely popular with gardeners, offering many advantages such as improved yields and easier maintenance. If you want to install raised beds in your own garden then careful planning is essential. It’s worth considering which materials you’ll use to ensure your raised beds are sturdy,…

VIDEO: 5 Gardening Hacks for Seed Sowing Success

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: What could be easier than sowing seed…? Well, it turns out that quite a lot can go wrong! From problems germinating to incorrect spacing, sowing can be a bit hit and miss! How many times have you popped seeds in the garden and waited impatiently for your…

VIDEO: Grow Fruit and Vegetables…in the Shade!

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: A shady spot may not be the best place to grow fruits and vegetables, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done! Choose your crops carefully and even shady gardens can be pleasingly productive. By using a few simple techniques you can encourage naturally shade-tolerant fruits and…

VIDEO: Warming Soil and Protecting from Frosts

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Spring has sprung and it’s time to get sowing! To enjoy a strong start for your homegrown vegetables you’ll need to make sure that your soil is warm enough and that you use techniques to insulate young seedlings from cold temperatures. Watch our video find out how…

VIDEO: Harvest the Power of Microclimates

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Garden microclimates have the potential to dramatically boost harvests – if you know how to use them. Warm walls, suntrap corners, shady areas, raised beds and crop covers can all lead to improved conditions – and higher yields – for different types of fruits and vegetables In…

VIDEO: Choosing a Location for Your New Vegetable Beds

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: The approach of spring sees many of us starting or expanding a vegetable garden, but take care – where you locate your vegetable beds can make the difference between a bumper harvest or a disappointing loss. Sunshine, soil moisture, and exposure to wind and frost each play…

VIDEO: How to Choose the Best Potatoes to Grow in Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: The versatile potato is one vegetable we couldn’t be without. The best bit is they’re very easy to grow. But what type and variety is best for you? When choosing a potato you’ll need to consider a number of factors including how much space you have available,…

VIDEO: 5 Ideas to Help You Start Growing Earlier This Year

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Warmer days may still be some way off, but you can start off many vegetables today to enjoy a super-early start to your growing season. Onions, cauliflowers and radishes are just some of the vegetables that can be started early, using techniques such as direct sowing with…

VIDEO: Vegetable Garden Planning Made Simple

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: For many of us, the prospect of a new growing season signals a fresh start and the opportunity to grow our best harvests ever. But success isn’t guaranteed. Good planning is the key to success. Plan well and you’ll stand the best chance of reaping the bumper…

VIDEO: GrowVeg Organic Gardening Advice, Apps & Software

Welcome to the Youtube channel. Over a million people use our videos every month to learn essential gardening techniques from planning your crops to storing and preserving. Our videos are full of no-nonsense advice that’s practical and easy-to-follow. Whether you’re at home or in the garden, when you need advice our videos are available…

VIDEO: How to Care for and Sharpen Gardening Tools

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Where would we be without our trusty gardening tools? Treat them to a little bit of TLC and they should last for many years. Winter’s the perfect time of year to service your tools ready for the next growing season. Cultivation tools as well as pruners will…

VIDEO: Bean Sprouts – How to Grow Fresh Food During Winter by Sprouting Mung Beans

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Don’t let the winter weather stop you from gardening – you can still enjoy healthy fresh produce by sprouting beans. Sprouting seeds in a juice carton prevents them from becoming bitter by excluding light. This simple trick can make the process much easier than traditional methods. In…

VIDEO: Compost Techniques: Composting in Situ

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: We all know that composting is essential in the garden, but compost piles can soon overflow at this time of year when you’re cutting back perennials and pulling up spent vegetables. If you’re wondering what to do with all that extra organic matter, it’s worth considering in-situ…

VIDEO: Bug Hotel: How to Make a Home for Beneficial Insects

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Beneficial insects are an essential part of any successful vegetable or fruit garden. They help us by eating pests and by pollinating crops but to to make sure there are lots of them in the garden in time for spring, they need some protection during the colder…

VIDEO: Hoop House: How to Make a Row Cover Tunnel

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: With strong winds, heavy rainfall and snow, winter can take its toll on even the hardiest crops. A simple row cover can protect your plants from the worst of the winter weather, and dramatically extend your growing season. Row covers can be expensive to buy but don’t…