March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Hugh Lovel Consultation Part 5

Take a walk with biodynamic pioneer and farm consultant Hugh Lovel and John Henry Nelson around our three Living Web Farms in Mills River, NC. Hugh Lovel is the author of “A Biodynamic Farm for Growing Wholesome Food” and “Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond”. His articles appear in Acres USA and related organic farming periodicals…

VIDEO: Graziers Intensive III part 3

In the final of this three part special presentation, regenerative ranching expert, Jim Elizondo teaches about profitable livestock management while utilizing regenerative pasture management. Jim teaches the many great benefits of non-selective grazing. This includes the whole environment of wildlife, microbes, insects, and people. He offers expertise in how this can be done with fewer…

VIDEO: Graziers Intensive I Part 3

Regenerative ranching expert, Jim Elizondo teaches about profitable livestock management while utilizing regenerative pasture management. Jim teaches the many great benefits of non-selective grazing. This includes the whole environment of wildlife, microbes, insects, and people. He offers expertise in how this can be done with fewer inputs and winter grazing with stockpiled crops while maintaining…

VIDEO: Graziers Intensive I with Jim Elizondo

In the first part of this multipart series, regenerative ranching expert, Jim Elizondo talks about how to make maximum sustainable profit per acre while improving the land. This includes the whole environment of wildlife, microbes, insects and people. He guides participants in understanding how to determine the most animals they can sustain while managing costs.…

VIDEO: Cattle Mineral Man

Learn about cattle on a cellular and atomic level. Listen to how animals respond to minerals in various combinations to maintain balance and health. He illuminates the topic from years of experience working with many types of cattle in a variety of environments. Visit our website for workshops and many free resources for growing food…