March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Eggplant in Containers, Complete Growing Guide

This is how to easily grow eggplants in containers and get massive harvests! Merchandise: Amazon Shop: MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS 🧰 💯 → Propagation and humidity vented dome: → IV Organic Fertilizer: PROMO CODE TUCK10 for 10% off all items → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK → Fiskars Micro-Tip…

VIDEO: My FAVORITE container gardening, small space solution to GROW FOOD (and how to use it) | VLOG

Greenstalk Mothers Day Sale (Stack coupon code ROOTS10 to bring price under $100): Greenstalk Setup video: ******************** Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit…

VIDEO: Grow Perfect Carrots Every Time! 🥕

Everyone loves crunchy carrots! But aren’t they really hard to grow..? It’s easy, if you know how! Ben gets to the root of the matter in this week’s episode in his complete guide to growing the best carrots from sowing to harvest. Get your crunch on! If you love growing your own food, why not…

VIDEO: Growing BIG In Small Spaces!

#AcreHomestead #AcreHomesteadChallenge #SeedStarting #PatioToPlate Online Seed Companies I Order From: Hoss Tools – MI Gardener – (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF) Seeds for Generations – Acre Homestead Container Garden Seed Collection – Seed Starting Supplies – Seed Organizer – Seedling Trays Extra Strength – ProMix Seed Starting Mix…

VIDEO: How To Grow Mushrooms At Home in 14 Days

Make room for MUSHROOMS! You can practically watch them grow before your very eyes. These fabulous fungi put the FUN into growing! In only two weeks or so, you can be picking your own immune sytem-boosting gourmet treats with these easy-to-grow methods. If you’re a fungi fanatic or a mushroom muncher, this one’s for you!…

VIDEO: How to Grow a CONTAINER Garden, CHEAP and EASY Patio Gardening

A Step by step guide on how to start a container garden and get huge harvests using homemade soil. Merchandise: USED THIS VIDEO Amazon Affiliate Link: Perlite: IV Organics Fertilizer: Dolomite Lime: Peat Moss: Azomite Rock Dust : Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! →…

VIDEO: How to Grow Organic Food in Containers

In this video, I show how to grow organic food in containers or pots. Support me on Patreon: (the top tier $25 AU enables mentoring from yours truly via an exclusive VIP email where I will answer your questions etc ASAP). Using the links below also helps support my channel: Help support the Channel…

VIDEO: Which Crops are the Best to Grow in Containers?

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers: and many more… To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here: If you’ve noticed…

VIDEO: without these PLANTS won't SURVIVE… Beyond Organic Gardening

Without these us and plants won’t survive. They are foundational for growth of all cells! Here is the link to the video of Geoff Lawton at Zaytuna Farms: Subscribe: Facebook: LAWN TO HIGH PRODUCTION FOOD FOREST: My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!! 5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL:

VIDEO: 4 Reasons to plant In containers & GroBucket Mint Update

We are talking containers today! In this episode we are discussing why containers might be better than in-ground gardening when it comes to a few different issues. We will also look at the mint plant and see how it is growing in the Grobucket setup. Check out Brian’s Kickstarter here: Send mail to: PO…

VIDEO: Container Gardening – Top Tips for Success

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Whether you’re planning to grow a small kitchen herb garden, or to produce enough food to feed your family, containers can add the flexibility which helps make your garden a success this year. Growing in containers is very popular, and the variety of containers available is constantly…