January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Plant Salads Now for Winter!

Salads in winter…?! Sure! For those of you who like to munch on crunchy homegrown salad leaves all year round, this little project is for you! Ben demonstrates that if you start now in autumn, it is possible to grow salads through the cold, dark days of the year – bringing you a little piece…

VIDEO: Thieves, Weeds and Lettuce

We visit the plot to see if thieves have broken into the shed, the recent rains have encouraged the weeds to grow so the beds need weeding, and I need to plant out the lettuce. Some people like weeding, I find it a chore but the beds do look a lot better for it. I…

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce Seeds and harvesting

Gardening for beginners complete guide in Growing Lettuce seeds and harvesting, lovely greens, step by step on how to grow successfully two types of Lettuce from Seed. The video includes when and how to transplant. How to plant lettuce and how to resolve common problems when they occur. Watch the full video to see every…

VIDEO: Grow Your Best Lettuce EVER!

You can win friends with salad, if you follow our guidance. These 4 easy steps will turn your bitter lettuce into sweet deliciousness, people will start accepting your dinner invitations, you will climb the social ladder reaching success you never thought possible, all because you listened to our lettuce advice. Learn how to grow lettuce…

VIDEO: Grow Salad Greens All Winter For Less Than 20 Dollars | Gardening Tips | Roots and Refuge

Today, I’m sharing a quick and affordable project to help you grow your own salad greens all through the winter! Want More Roots & Refuge? Check Out: Our Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandrefuge/ My Infrequently updated blog: www.thehodgepodgedarling.blogspot.com My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBpcMe9OjXGnjLgPuLGQPw Email Us:…

VIDEO: 5 Cold Hardy Greens Everyone Should Be Growing & How to Grow Them

In this episode we will talk about 5 super cold hardy greens we are growing for winter and 2 other bonus plants that we will be growing for our winter salad greens mix. Here they are: Red veined sorrel – https://migardener.com/store/red-veined-sorrel/ Super red romaine – https://migardener.com/store/super-red-romaine-lettuce/ Tango lettuce – https://migardener.com/store/tango-leaf-lettuce/ Arugula -https://migardener.com/store/slow-bolt-arugula-organic/ Ruby red lettuce…

VIDEO: How to Grow Quick Late-Season Salad Crops

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Though temperatures are starting to cool and the amount of daylight is reducing you can still harvest plenty of fresh food from your garden if you choose crops which mature quickly. Salad crops are some of the quickest plants to grow and, if given some protection, in…

VIDEO: Urban Gardening: Growing Lettuce & Salad Leaves in Containers

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Sowing salads now for fresh, young leaves in a matter of weeks is a great way to make the most of what’s left of the growing season. Cut-and-come-again salad leaves are quick and easy to grow and small enough to fit into almost any container, making them…