Tag: harvesting
VIDEO: 6 Crops You Can Hang to Finish Ripening
If you have the threat of frost, and there you are close to a harvest but not quite, you can harvest these crops, hang them up in a well ventilated area to finish ripening.
VIDEO: Harvesting 300 POUNDS of Giant Crimson Tomatoes!
What an amazing day! We finally get to visit our farmer who has been growing the Giant Crimson tomato for us for the year. We got to pick from 6 rows and harvested over 300 pounds of Giant Crimson tomatoes for seed for all of you!
VIDEO: Permaculture Backyard Gardening Harvest, Sustainable Food Forest Garden
“If you want organic food, you have to grow it yourself.” -Bill Mollison Today me and Tuck are harvesting the best food in the world, and the great thing about it is that anyone can grow it too if they have the space. Not even kings can get food this good, and when you grow…
VIDEO: Record Tomato Harvest From Just 20 Square Feet!
Wow. What a haul! We have never had this large of harvest from such a small area. Organically grown as well!
VIDEO: GIANT Late Summer Harvest From the Garden
We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for .99 cent heirloom seeds, custom blend fertilizers and gardening tools. We ship worldwide! website/shop: http:www.migardener.com/store our daily blog: https://migardener.com/blog facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MIgardener instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MIgardener send garden snail mail to: MIgardener 227 Huron Ave Port Huron MI 48060 Our book…
VIDEO: Harvesting Some of The Rarest Tomatoes
for Seed From a No-Till Biointensive Farm 
We spent the day harvesting some of the rarest tomatoes available to home gardeners. You can check out this amazing bio intensive farm at Slow Farm Ann Arbor. Thank you Kim for letting us come out and tour the farm, as well as letting us pick (and purchase) over 350 pounds Of these amazing varieties…
VIDEO: Our Organic Heirloom Garlic Harvest!
Finally! The time has come to pulling our garlic for the year. Last year we planted around 100 cloves of garlic to harvest, and today we will be pulling roughly 90 heads which is a great survival rate! It should be exciting to see what we get.
VIDEO: Ultimate Backyard Gardening Harvest, This is Why I Grow My Own Food!
Today I grab some fresh snacks from the backyard garden. Intro- 00:00 Green Magic Broccoli- 00:18 Bronze Mignonnette Lettuce- 00:58 Istanbul Carrot- 01:28 Jaune Obtuse Du Doubs Carrot- 01:35 Inchelium Red Garlic- 02:09 Muscade Carrot- 02:29 Tuck Approving Carrots- 2:49 Ruby Perfection Cabbage- 03:26 Cutting Open the Cabbage- 04:13 Deadon Savoy Cabbage- 04:34 Romaine Lettuces-…
VIDEO: This is FOOD FREEDOM, Backyard Garden Harvest!
Anyone can grow their own food and achieve Food Freedom if they have the opportunity! Intro- 00:00 Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage- 00:28 Melissa Savoy- 01:19 Really Red Deer Tongue- 03:15 Parris Island Cos- 03:43 New Birdies Raised Bed- 03:55 Asparagus Sprouting- 04:02 Swiss Char- 04:19 Muscade Carrot- 04:51 California Poppy- 05:28 Blueberries- 05:35 Strawberries- 05:58…
VIDEO: Planting Potatoes with My Daughter
It is always a fun time in the garden when my daughter spends time with me. We will be planting potatoes and getting the final parts of the garden put in place!
VIDEO: How To Prune Grape Vines – Easy Cane Method
Prune Your Grape Vines In The Winter! As impressive as Grape plants are in full summer foliage, they become neglected and forgotten in the dormant months. Understandably, as the vines themselves become barren sticks giving no indication of their summer awesomeness! But winter is right when you should be giving your Grape vines the most…
VIDEO: 사각화분에 키운 땅콩 수확♥ㅣPeanut Harvest 2020
4월초에 땅콩을 사각화분에 심어 166일동안 땅콩 성장과정과 수확영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 How to grow peanut plant in a pot +음악(Youtube free music) English_Country_Garden.mp3 Moving_On.mp3 Home_for_the_Holidays.mp3 Earth Bound – Slynk.mp3 No.9_Esther’s Waltz – Esther Abrami.mp3 +카메라(camera) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Korean Gardener 초록식물TV…
VIDEO: Plentiful Fall Garden Harvest, Organic Backyard Gardening in a Suburban Neighborhood
Gardening harvests don’t stop just because Fall is here! Thanks for the kind words and support Merchandise: jamesprigioni.com Amazon Store: www.amazon.com/shop/thegardeningchannelwithjamesprigioni MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS
→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK https://shop.epicgardening.com →Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ → Sulfur Dust for Fungal Diseases: https://amzn.to/2VETaXP → UV Resistant Marker: https://amzn.to/3oUevXb → 40% Shade…
VIDEO: What an Epic Pepper Harvest From Just 12 plants!
We harvested from just 12 plants more peppers than we have grown in a long time. Loaded down and still producing, our plants gave us quite a bounty. Come along with me as we pick them! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: Finally Harvesting This Year’s Potatoes! How did We Do?
How did our potatoes do this year with record heat and record dry weather? Welllllll It wasn’t great, it wasn’t terrible, it was kind of par for the course for how this year has gone in general. meh. But I enjoyed harvesting with my friend! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: How to get Extra from Your Vegetable Garden | Harvesting Tips
It is harvest season! It’s always so amazing to be able to bring in baskets of homegrown nutritious produce from the garden on a daily basis. We have put in so much hard work in growing and caring for our vegetable gardens and our reward is being able to harvest and enjoy our produce. However,…
VIDEO: Harvesting Our Stunning Carrots and Teaching A Valuable Lesson About Spacing
We are pulling up our carrots for the spring/summer season and we will be growing another harvest of carrots for the late summer early fall season. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: Our Largest Garlic Harvest Ever – 100% Organic
WOW. About all I can say to this year’s garlic harvest. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: Identifying and Harvesting Chickweed
Chickweed is a delicious wild green you’ve likely been walking past without realizing. Ours is a little further along due to conditions in the greenhouse but in the wild you have a bit more time to find it before it goes to seed.
VIDEO: Ginger and Turmeric Harvest
Join us for our ginger and turmeric harvest! We decided to experiment with growing turmeric and ginger in Wisconsin zone 5 to see how well these tropical plants would do. It never ceases to amaze me how much you can get away with in gardening when you just give it a try. Come along and…
VIDEO: Growing Lettuce Seeds and harvesting
Gardening for beginners complete guide in Growing Lettuce seeds and harvesting, lovely greens, step by step on how to grow successfully two types of Lettuce from Seed. The video includes when and how to transplant. How to plant lettuce and how to resolve common problems when they occur. Watch the full video to see every…
VIDEO: Massive Fall Harvest from Our Totally Organic Garden
We are harvesting from the garden and wow… It was a huge haul. Fall is the best of both seasons. You get spring, and summer in one short season called fall. We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for .99 cent heirloom seeds, custom blend fertilizers…
VIDEO: 100% Organic Garden Harvest | Backyard Permaculture Gardening
Harvesting food from my own backyard!!! Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ →Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jps-store-5 MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK https://shop.epicgardening.com →Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://amzn.to/2WCZfRX →6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ →Row Cover: https://amzn.to/2GR12h5 →Neem Oil: https://amzn.to/2NgXfta →Insect Netting: https://amzn.to/2DbJ9I7…
VIDEO: How to Grow Large Onions Perfectly Every Time
You all asked me to revisit the topic of growing onions. So in this video we are covering all the tips and tricks of growing onions and how we get perfect large onions every time. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: Harvesting Some of The Most Rare and Unique Heirloom Tomatoes
We are growing over 50 varieties of tomatoes this year in the garden. They are starting to ripen and we are going to walk around and harvest them! We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for .99 cent heirloom seeds, custom blend fertilizers and gardening tools.…
VIDEO: What Happens When You Eat this Medicinal Plant… Can it Really Numb your Whole Mouth?
Wow, this was more potent and more powerful than I could even imagine. Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ →Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jps-store-5 MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK https://shop.epicgardening.com →Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://amzn.to/2WCZfRX →6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ →Row Cover:…
VIDEO: Permaculture Garden Harvest | 100% Organic BACKYARD Gardening at it's Finest
One of the BIGGEST Cabbages I have ever grown! Thanks for the kind words and support SUPPORT ME AND TUCK →Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ →Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jps-store-5 MY FAVORITE GARDEN PRODUCTS! → Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK https://shop.epicgardening.com →Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://amzn.to/2WCZfRX →6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ →Row Cover: https://amzn.to/2GR12h5 →Neem Oil: https://amzn.to/2NgXfta…
VIDEO: Huge 100% Organic EPIC Garlic Harvest – 260 Heads in Just 30 Square Feet!
Our garlic harvest was insane this year! It was epic and 100% organic. We also discuss when to harvest garlic, how to grow it, softneck and harneck varieties, and other random tricks and tips to growing it. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
Organic Gardens have taken over my property! https://teespring.com/stores/jps-store-5 Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/thepermaculturgarden?sub_confirmation=1 https://steemit.com/@gardeningchannel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/james.prigioni How To Grow An Apple Tree From SEED to FRUIT: https://youtu.be/1OqXRcguFsg CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! https://youtu.be/2dq2OQsFCjM 5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo