March 5, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Corn, From Seed to Harvest 🌽

I did it. I’m a corn daddy now. Lemme know your favorite way to prep corn down in the comments. Growing corn is super satisfying, it makes you feel like you’re actually out there farming instead of gardening. The 7’+ tall stalks blowing in the wind, the enjoyment of shucking an ear and eating it…

VIDEO: 옥수수수확 [Harvesting corn,トウモロコシ収穫,玉米收获 ]

옥수수[corn] 정의 벼과에 속하는 1년생 초본식물. 개설 학명은 Zea mays L.이다. 옥수수는 볼리비아를 중심으로 한 남아메리카 북부의 안데스산맥의 저지대나 멕시코가 원산지인 것으로 추정되며 우리 나라에는 중국으로부터 전래되었다. 따라서 그 이름도 중국음의 위수수[玉蜀黍]에서 유래하여 한자의 우리식 발음인 옥수수가 되었고, 다시 지방에 따라 옥시기·옥숙구·옥수시·옥쉬이 등으로 불리고 있다. 이 밖에 강냉이·강내이·강내미 등으로 불리기도 한다. 생태 높이는 1∼3m에 달하며…

VIDEO: 100% Organic Corn Harvest

It is time to harvest the corn that we have been growing all year! Lets see what we got. We do more than, JUST, YouTube! Check more MIgardener below: Start growing! Visit our online store for $2 heirloom seeds, custom blend fertilizers, and gardening tools. We ship worldwide! Website/shop: Our daily blog: Facebook:…

VIDEO: How to Grow Corn – Complete Growing Guide

Want to grow amazing corn at home and have it be 100% organic? Then this episode will help with that! Corn is our favorite summer vegetable and one that is so easy to grow! Corn harvesting video: Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom & Non-GMO Vegetable seeds…

VIDEO: Growing Sweet Corn from Sowing to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Sweet corn is very satisfying to grow at home, but the real prize lies in cooking up the cobs as soon as possible after harvest for a super-sweet treat. Corn that’s had to travel miles to get to your plate will be past its peak, but cobs…