March 22, 2025


↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Tickets and links below ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Tickets for Selmer, TN & Mesa, AZ: $500 off for couples at Selmer use the code: couplespmg Tickets for Florida events Follow Wise Earth at: @wiseearthfarm ▶️Online courses: ▶️On-farm workshops: ▶️Sign Up For My Newsletter: ▶️Read my blog: ▶️Watch us on Instagram: @greencityacres…

VIDEO: 3 Simple Strategies for Dealing with Drought in the Garden

This video was inspired due to an lovely heatwave. It shares 3 very simple strategies which anyone can use to reduce the effect of drought and they are water, protection and prevention. I also include a couple of other considerations at the end of the video. Here is a list of drought tolerant vegetables:…

VIDEO: Urban Gardener

If you’re a budding gardener then let me help you to grow your skills as well as your plants!.my YouTube channel Urban Gardener contains lots of information to help you get started in your garden and get the best from your seeds and plants. Not sure where to begin? Take a look at my channel…

VIDEO: How to Make Vegetable Korma/Cooking Week – 005 Vegetable korma is the perfect alternative to chicken korma but still has the great spices and is a hearty meal. All vegetables apart from the onions are from our garden including the zucchini, potatoes, carrots and beans. Full of flavor and the best meal to make to warm you up. Suitable for vegetarians. Please…

VIDEO: Top Tips if your Garden is in a Drought We are having a drought and much of the grass has died so I thought I would make a video on how to protect and look after your vegetable patch with tips on what to do. Please like it helps a bunch! Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: How to Grow Super Hot Pepper Seeds EZ!

It’s quite simple to plant the seeds, all you need is a tray and organic sifted compost. Then keep the compost just moist at all times and for best results place on a grow mat/ heat mat or propagator. Underneath heat helps give them a great boost for growing in cooler conditions. Please Like and…

VIDEO: EZ How to make a super bell pepper plant

The YouTube video explains how to make a super bell pepper plant by cross-pollinating a certified organic mild jalapeno with a certified organic and heirloom sweet bell pepper. The resulting plant will have the yield of a mild jalapeno and the sweetness of a bell pepper. The plant will also be sturdier and have more branches, and the peppers will be larger.