June 30, 2024

VIDEO: Get Worms to Work For You in your Vegetable Garden!

💛 📖 Find out about the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx Love your soil and the worms in it, and everything else will follow! Learn how to attract more worms for a healthy, thriving garden. In this video, Ben gets his hands dirty (and his elbows, shirt…) and gets stuck in where the action truly happens……

VIDEO: How to Attract More Earthworms To Your Garden (& Why They Matter)

Grab an Urban Worm Bag: https://shop.epicgardening.com/products/urban-worm-bag Earthworms are one of the most powerful organisms in your garden soil, tirelessly plowing through and turning larger chunks of organic matter into nutrient-rich castings. These castings are colonized by bacteria, fungi, and other organisms in your soil to mobilize nutrients for your plants for EPIC harvests. Let’s practice…