December 23, 2024

VIDEO: How To Grow Summer Flower Seeds (A-Z INFORMATION)

GROW FLOWER SEEDS AT HOME | SUMMER FLOWER SEEDS VIDEO IN HINDI LINK:- SEED SELLER DETAILS-ONLY WHATS APP-9818174630 PLANTING TIME: whenever temperature is between 27 to 35 degree Celsius(80-95 F)(INDIA-MARCH TO APRIL IS THE IDEAL TIME) MUSIC: Mind your Time by Me.So Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0… Music…

VIDEO: How To Grow Ice Plant/Mesembryanthemum From Seeds(FULL UPDATES)

GROW MESEMBRYANTHEMUM/ICE PLANT FROM SEEDS AT HOME 100% GERMINATION RATE #urbangardening #iceplant #mesembryanthemum #winterflowers DAIZZ’S TIPS:Despite its exotic looks it is surprisingly easy to grow from seed.Do not cover the seeds as they require the presence of light to help initiate germination. Instead gently firm down the compost without sinking the seeds into the compost.Once…

VIDEO: How To Grow Flower Plants At Home

HOW TO GROW FLOWER PLANTS IN A POT -MAKE A BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PLANTER IN MINUTES-ANTIRRHINUMS/SNAPDRAGONS/DOG FLOWER DAIZZ’S TIP:-The Antirrhinum/snapdragon is a fragrant perennial native to the Mediterranean. It’s colorful blossoms look similar to open mouths. Snapdragons are started from seed indoors and planted just before the last frost of the year. They grow best in…