March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Super Nutritious Goji Berries At Home

Full grow guide: Goji berries are an under-loved and under-planted fruit, but are exceptionally easy to care for and are hyper-nutritious. You can even eat the leaves (raw or cooked). Chris up in Vancouver, BC shows you exactly how to care for this incredible plant. 00:00 – Intro 01:27 – About Goji 02:06 -…

VIDEO: 구기자수확♥ㅣGoji Berry Harvest 2020

구기자 2그루에서 수확한 영상입니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 🙂 ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ Goji Berry Harvest 2020 +음악(Youtube free music) English_Country_Garden.mp3 Hickory_Hollow.mp3 +카메라(camera) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Korean Gardener 초록식물TV #GojiBerry #구기자 #GojiBerry_Harvest + Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA)