March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Radishes Hydroponically on Loofah Sponges: Kratky Style!

This video shows the process of growing radishes hydroponically from seed to harvest, Kratky style, using loofah sponges instead of rockwool. You might be interested in the following videos mentioned in the video, this was a fun experiment, and the result was delicious tasting radishes! Is Rockwool Dangerous? Mixing Masterblend Hydroponic Solution: What…

VIDEO: Growing Radish Time Lapse (failed)

Subscribe Even though this was a failed attempt of growing radishes i decided to post it anyways so we can enjoy the plants dancing to Tchaikovsky’s waltz of the flowers. A lot of things went wrong during the making of this video, for example: – They didn’t grow any bulbs. Which could be for…

VIDEO: 1st Radish Harvest of The Year

We finally have a harvest, and it is from our brand new raised beds. We enjoy having fresh vegetables, but fresh organic cherry belle redihes are a treat since they are so seasonal. Come enjoy the first radish harvest with me. Send mail to: PO box 131 Marysville, MI 48040 450+ varieties of Heirloom &…