March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How To Make Compost At Home (WITH FULL UPDATES)

EASIEST WAY TO MAKE COMPOST AT HOME #urbangardening DAIZZ’S TIP:-Composting is a great project to do because it uses food and yard scraps that would otherwise be thrown away to make a nutrient-rich soil amendment.Making compost correctly will allow you to feed your plants essential nutrients and make your soil more fertile, all while using…

VIDEO: How To Make Organic Fertilizer-FREE OF COST

How To Make World’s Best Homemade Organic Fertilizer-how to make homemade fertilizer especially for your rose plants-free of cost DAIZZ’S TIP:-When it comes to organic gardening, the options for all-natural fertilizers can often be scarce on the shelves at your average supply store. Those that do exist are more expensive and while they may say…