March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Pepper Growing Mistakes to Avoid

EDIT: MISTAKE 1 IS…A MISTAKE! Flavor isn’t affected in the pepper from crossing, but the seeds will be hybrids. So you can plant sweet and hot together if you don’t plan on saving seeds. Growing peppers is extremely rewarding due to the sheer variety of flavor, shapes, sizes, and colors. There’s something for everyone! But…

VIDEO: Pruning Pepper Plants 101: Is It Even Necessary?

Topping pepper plants is a topic of much debate, with some growers saying it’s a fantastic way to boost production, and others saying it’s not necessary at all. So, who’s right? As with most things in gardening, IT DEPENDS! Pruning peppers removes top growth to promote more branching and bushiness. By doing this, you sacrifice…

VIDEO: How To Prune Pepper Plants Part 1

Pruning Young Peppers To Maximize Yield? Let’s experiment! There’s a theory out there that if you top your young seedling Pepper plants early in the spring, they will branch out more, thus sending out more flowers and because of that, more fruit. In this video, I experiment with 6 Bell Pepper plants where 3 of…