VIDEO: Why are My Blueberry leaves Turning Red? 5 Reasons
In today’s episode we will be covering five reasons why your blueberry plants might be having their leaves turn red. Hopefully it helps! Happy gardening.
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In today’s episode we will be covering five reasons why your blueberry plants might be having their leaves turn red. Hopefully it helps! Happy gardening.
What ingredients can be added to a compost pile, and which ingredients should be left out. All that and more we will be talking about in today’s episode. Check out our new clothing line!
Consider supporting our channel on Patreon, to help us create more frequent videos. — Over the past few years, we’ve been covering our entire growing area with thick layers of organic plant-based mulch. And so far, we’ve not yet had to pay for any of it. So, since we receive a lot of questions…
Cloudy and rainy days are usually not looked at with much excitement, but in spring when I am looking to harden off my seedlings, I look forward to a few days in a row with cloud cover. This is the easiest way to harden seedlings off and for a lazy gardener like me, I like…
A little on the progress this year. A bad potting mix has set me back. Will be re-potting some things with my original mixture of compost and manure. Also a bit on a cherry harvest and tree pruning.
On Allotment Grow How today we plant some elephant garlic and test out a timelapse camera. #gardening #elephantgarlic
See the GrowVeg book here: Leaf mold is made from decomposed leaves and is one of the best soil improvers you can treat your garden to. In this short video we’ll show you how to make your own leaf mold and use it to produce an abundant supply of soil improver, mulch,…
We’ve got a lot of leaves, so why not collect them for mulch in our vegetable gardens. But leaf baggers are expensive, so I decided to try to build one. Follow me through my thought-process and trial and error, while I attempt to collect leaves on the cheap.
About 5 years ago I built a leaf mould/mold compost bin out of chicken wire however it soon got forgotten about. Today I was making space for a new composting area, where I will be experimenting with all kinds of composting methods. I soon uncovered the ‘abandoned’ leaf mould pile from 5 years ago and…
In this quick episode we walk up to the plot through the woods.
This week on Allotment Grow How we have a look around the plot, harvest some crops and put the first of the allotment beds to sleep for the winter. “Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
See the GrowVeg book here: Would you like to save time, effort and money spent on your garden while also improving your harvest? Clearing up fallen leaves is hard work, but those leaves can protect and feed your plants, as well as reducing the amount of watering, weeding and digging you need…
A simple and short how-to video in How to grow celery from seed growing Celery from Seed. It’s easy anyone can do it!
A Big update over what’s growing inside! Don’t forget to ask as many questions as you want and i will collect all the questions and put them in my upcoming Q&A videos! Thanks!
On the 26 of August 2012, I upload a video showing a major problem that I have been having with growing Avocado trees. Please check my first video “Avocado Tree Problems” this video is an update to the unresolved problem.
Hope someone can help. I have only recently begun to rebuild my plant knowledge after many years of not being involved. I don’t have resource books yet and not sure where to start. Thanks to Roosevelt at I believe we have an ID. The root stock is edible and has medicinal uses. Another source…
I by no means claimed to be an expert in gardening and thus sometimes certain situations may not develop the way you expect them to. I compiled this video because I’ve been having some issues with growing avocado trees and of course other gardeners may have come across this problem before and are willing to…
Another first attempt in the garden but this time creating organic compost with much success. The basic ingredients are browns and greens water and oxygen, browns can be anything from fallen leaves to cardboard, and greens can be anything fresh from unwanted plants, Browns contain Carbon and greens contain Nitrogen two of the components which…
Wild garlic or Ramsons is new to me, the fresh young leaves are edible but make your breath stained of garlic for a good day, maybey try it just by yourself… Here I am going to transplant them into a soil mix and fingers crossed this will work.
A short vid on how to sketch a tree. A quick and cool vid. Please rate and comment. If you sub I will subb back