March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Organic Growers School 2020

Living Web Farms at Organic Growers School with Multimedia Director Lisa Soledad Almaraz and booth volunteer Kelly Sunshine of Soul & Soil Project. Lisa interviews a few exhibitors at the event in Mars Hill, NC March 6-8, 2020. Learn about our vibrant community of local growers and businesses. Check it out and learn more at…

VIDEO: Ferments

Why make cultured foods? What is fermentation? What does fermenting do to vegetables, and why eat them? The 26th Annual Organic Growers School Spring Conference welcomes Marissa Percoco, teacher of “Wild Mead Making”. In this interview, she discusses her background as a homesteader and her discovery of fermentation as a solution to off-grid, no-refrigeration life,…


ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Ha Ha! 😉 I hope you laughed because I certainly do. It’s time to end all the nonsense and come together! Let’s all laugh, live, and share and really be the homesteading community we CLAIM to be! I can only personally speak for myself and wish ALL of you the best on…